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Dedication and perseverance pay off for soccer devotee.

Sebastian Rode resigns.

Sebastian Rode has never spared himself, now his time as a professional footballer is coming to an...
Sebastian Rode has never spared himself, now his time as a professional footballer is coming to an end.

Dedication and perseverance pay off for soccer devotee.

The Bundesliga season comes to an end, and Eintracht Frankfurt is battling for sixth place and a spot in the Europa League. Due to play on the pitch is Sebastian Rode - it'll be his final professional game. There'll be tears aplenty.

Professional soccer in Germany evokes strong feelings. The games with no fans during the pandemic have clearly demonstrated that. Without fans cheering them on, players can't give their best. They need the energy boost from supporters, whether they're chanting, banging drums, or performing choreographed sequences. The same will apply on Saturday afternoon at the former Waldstadion in Frankfurt. It's going to be loud and emotional, and tears will be shed. This is because Sebastian "Seppl" Rode is drawing a line under his professional football career.

As he shared with "Kicker" this week, "I'm already getting goosebumps just thinking about it." Many friends and acquaintances will be in the stadium. "Many fans have already told me that they want to cheer me on, even if it's just for a few minutes." After recent knee surgery, he estimates that he'll manage around ten minutes in the game against Leipzig on Saturday (3:30 pm/Sky). The feelings are running high. "I've got a lot going through my head. I can't quite believe it's almost over. I'm thinking of all the emotions in the dressing room, on the pitch, and with the fans. I'm going to miss it and that crosses my mind from time to time as I lie in bed at night."

Rode is no ordinary player. He is Eintracht's long-time "captain." He is a veteran. He is a Hessian. He is a figurehead and a symbol of one person. He has a big mouth. He fights for every inch of turf. But, sadly, he hasn't received as much playing time this season due to regular injuries. Rode, who moved from Offenbacher Kickers to Frankfurt, then to Bayern before returning to Eintracht in 2019, has been plagued by injuries throughout his career. He's battled his way back into the team repeatedly, only to drop out again. This meant he never fully established himself in the DFB squad, which could have led to a successful international career.

Loved by fans

Nevertheless, Eintracht also have Rode's susceptibility to injury to thank for the fact that he played for them again at all. He was unable to fully assert himself at Bayern and BVB due to injuries, which is why he returned to Frankfurt. Rode emphasized the importance of these setbacks: "It had a significant impact on me. I would have liked to have avoided one or two injuries, but you learn a lot from them and value your time out there even more."

His coaches have always been impressed by his playing skills. Under Pep Guardiola at Bayern, he played in defensive midfield. Praise was heaped on his mentality and his insight. Rode was someone who could read the game. Oliver Glasner, who led Eintracht to the Europa League title in 2022, is just as effusive in his admiration for "his captain." Among the fans, those who've loved the eagle their whole lives, Rode has always enjoyed an outstanding reputation. During his time with SGE, Rode gave a hundred percent, pushed himself to the limit, and never shied away from physical confrontations. He scored 15 goals and set up 21 others in his 275 appearances for the Adler, and although he wasn't the primary goalscorer, he was always a massive presence in the team.

Rode epitomized Frankfurt's tenacious spirit: he continued to play with a turban concealing a head injury during the Europa League final against Glasgow Rangers, a contest in which Eintracht won the cup via a penalty shootout. The city celebrated this victory with hundreds of thousands of people, and "Captain" Rode was the main focal point. Rode is a humble man. The fans admire him for that, too. He'd rather not be splashed across newspaper headlines or eat a "golden steak."

The club keeps the door open

Retirement awaits Rode. He's earned his rest. He wants to travel with his family before making a decision about the future. Could he become a youth coach at Eintracht? "I'm under no pressure," the 33-year-old told "Kicker." "I'm happy that the club is willing to keep this door open for me. And of course, I can well imagine working for Eintracht in the future."

Rode will be at Deutsche Bank Park today, partaking in their last Bundesliga fixture. Eintracht's objective is to secure a place in the Europa League. Doesn't matter who the opponent is. As always, Rode will give his all. After all, this will be a fitting way to end a memorable career. He's managed to recover, and his enthusiasm is palpable. His eyes dazzle, and a permanent grin adorns his face as he controls the ball and moves forward. A shining example of a team leader. Come Sunday, he'll officially become a "soccer god." An icon in Frankfurt history.

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