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Daniela Katzenberger shifts to VOX.

Daniela Katzenberger and her family are preparing to relocate within Mallorca to a different residence.

The cat has been roaming the German TV landscape for 15 years now.
The cat has been roaming the German TV landscape for 15 years now.

A documentary-style TV series follows her life. - Daniela Katzenberger shifts to VOX.

In the upcoming season of 2024/25, Daniela Katzenberger (37), along with her husband, Lucas Cordalis, and their daughter, Sophia, will make a return to their famous stomping grounds on television. This announcement was made by Sender VOX as part of their season preview. These are the same locations where Daniela's star first rose. Viewers can also expect to see more intimate glimpses of Daniela's life in her chosen hometown, Mallorca, as described by VOX - "Catch a glimpse of the cult blonde with her husband Lucas Cordalis and daughter Sophia on Mallorca, in all its facets."

Daniela Katzenberger's journey began at VOX with a documentary soap called "Auf und davon - Mein Auslandstagebuch." It was back in 2009 when the now 37-year-old was followed as she pursued her goal of becoming an international Playboy model. Subsequently, she participated in "Goodbye Germany! The Emigrants," which showcased her opening a cafe on Mallorca. In 2010, she got her own soap on VOX, titled "Daniela Katzenberger - naturally blonde."

For almost a decade, the talented blonde made her home at RTLzwei, where her personal life with Lucas Cordalis (56) was documented extensively. Her numerous documentaries included "Mit Lucas im Babyglück" (2015), "Mit Lucas im Hochzeitsfieber" (2016), "Mit Lucas im Weihnachtsfieber" (2016), and "Daniela und Lucas - The First Wedding Day" (2017).

As a parting gift from RTLzwei, they presented to us a spin-off of her previous series, "Daniela Katzenberger - Family Happiness on Mallorca," which also featured her mother, Iris Klein (57), quite often. Luckily, there won't be any significant changes in this aspect as she returns to her familiar environment on VOX.

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