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Crime thriller or trash? "Tatort" wins the ratings duel against "Das Traumschiff"

On Boxing Day, there was a ratings duel between the Frankfurt "Tatort" detectives and Florian Silbereisen as the "Traumschiff" captain. The crime thriller won - but not with the young audience.

"Tatort: Loss of Control" from Frankfurt with detectives Anna Janneke (Margarita Broich) and
"Tatort: Loss of Control" from Frankfurt with detectives Anna Janneke (Margarita Broich) and Paul Brix (Wolfram Koch)

Second Christmas Day - Crime thriller or trash? "Tatort" wins the ratings duel against "Das Traumschiff"

It's the annual duel for TV ratings:"Tatort" or "Das Traumschiff" - which format attracts more viewers to their TV screens on Boxing Day? After the ZDF series came out on top last year, the ARD crime series scored again this time. The Frankfurt case "Kontrollverlust" was seen by 5.04 million viewers. This corresponds to a market share of 18.7 percent. The "Traumschiff" was watched by 4.68 million people (17.4 percent).

Among the young audience of 14 to 49-year-olds, however, "Traumschiff" (14.5 percent) was ahead of "Tatort" (10.6 percent). The frontrunner in this target group was the Tom Cruise film "Top Gun: Maverick", which was broadcast on Sat.1 and reached 1.12 million viewers (18.9 percent).

Christmas 2022 was won by "Das Traumschiff"

In the previous year, "Traumschiff" had also benefited from an extremely weak "Tatort" broadcast: Only 4.09 million people wanted to watch the Christmas thriller "Mord unter Misteln" from Munich back then. The "Traumschiff" episode on Christmas 2022 reached 5.71 million people.

The ratings for "Tatort" and "Traumschiff" have been declining for years. By comparison, when Florian Silbereisen made his debut as Captain Max Parger in 2019, 7.49 million people tuned in. The trend is similar for Sunday crime dramas. Apart from the Münster duo Thiel and Boerne, played by Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers, hardly any other investigative team gathers the masses in front of the TV.

On New Year's Day, "Tatort" and "Traumschiff" run in parallel again

The cases involving Frankfurt detectives Janneke and Brix are often among the weaker episodes. The film "Erbarmen. Zu spät", which aired in September, reached 6.4 million viewers - one of the lowest "Tatort" ratings of 2023. Broich and Koch have announced their departure from the crime series for the coming year. The two actors will be seen in their last case in 2024 with the title "Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurts Berge blüh'n".

On New Year's Day, there will be another direct clash between "Tatort" and "Traumschiff": while ARD will be showing the last case of actress Franziska Weisz as investigator Julia Grosz, the "Traumschiff" will set sail for Indonesia. The 100th episode of the ZDF series features a guest appearance by Amira and Oliver Pocher as well as a half-naked captain - the ratings duel is on.

quotenmeter, DWDL

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