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Consumer sentiment better than it has been for a year

Despite the Middle East war

The consumer climate forecast for December is minus 27.8 points, an increase of 0.5 points on
The consumer climate forecast for December is minus 27.8 points, an increase of 0.5 points on the previous

Consumer sentiment better than it has been for a year

According to the German Retail Association (HDE), consumer sentiment in Germany is currently better than it has been for around a year. The association's consumer barometer, which is based on consumer surveys, rose to an annual high in December, according to the HDE. According to the survey, people are planning to spend more again and are saving less.

Despite the many crises, including in the Middle East, the study found that consumers are much more optimistic about the coming weeks than in previous months. There is therefore a chance that private consumption will stabilize by the end of this year, it said.

Nevertheless, risks remain. According to the HDE, the German government's budget crisis could again lead to more restraint in consumer spending. It therefore remains to be seen whether the rise in consumer sentiment represents a turnaround.

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Despite the ongoing Middle East war and various crises, consumer sentiment in the prediction for the coming year has shown improvement, with consumers planning to spend more and save less. This optimistic shift could potentially help in stabilizing private consumption by the year's end, despite the persistent risks.


