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Constantin Schreiber's new Egypt Crime

Constantin Schreiber is known not only as a journalist, but also as a writer. Now he has published the debut of a new crime series.

Cleopatra's Tomb
Cleopatra's Tomb

New release - Constantin Schreiber's new Egypt Crime

Journalist Constantin Schreiber has started a new crime series, set in the land of the Pharaohs, with the first book titled "Cleopatra's Tomb". In this book published by Hoffmann and Campe, the Middle East expert demonstrates solid knowledge about the present and history of Alexandria and its society.

Schreiber (45) is also known as a speaker for the "Tagesschau". And that's the focus of the novel: Alexandria has been a meeting point for religions and cultures for centuries. However, coexistence is not always peaceful. The concern grows even greater when a Coptic priest is murdered. Commissioner Theodora Costanda, a Copt herself, must deliver results quickly to prevent conflicts from arising.

Schreiber, who lives in Hamburg with his family, provides an intriguing setting in "Cleopatra's Tomb". Commissioner Costanda investigates in all directions and encounters a French archaeologist who believes he can find the tomb of Pharaoh Cleopatra. The situation escalates, as a mysterious secret society also shows great interest in the ancient tomb.

The new release of Schreiber's crime series, set in the diverse landscape of Alexandria, has gained attention in Germany due to its political thriller elements. As a respected figure in German television, Schreiber continues to captivate audiences with his literary works, just like he does as a speaker on "Tagesschau" from his home in Hamburg. The crime series, which also touches on themes of religious and cultural coexistence, has garnered interest among fans of both crime and historical fiction.

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