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Concert Reveal Leads to Legal Dispute

Alerted to graphic material unexpectedly? An audience member takes legal action against Madonna following her show.

Madonna shocked a concertgoer
Madonna shocked a concertgoer

Madonna's "The Celebration Tour" became a massive hit, but the singer now faces another legal battle. One concert attendee in Los Angeles on March 7, 2024 allegedly filed a lawsuit against Madonna, as reported by "The Blast." The man cites six reasons for his lawsuit against Madonna and the concert organizers: a broken contract, deceptive representation, inflicting emotional distress, misleading ads, more emotional distress, and unfair competition.

The disgruntled fan had several objections, including being exposed to adult content without prior notice. Strippers were reportedly seen on stage performing sexual acts. He felt he was watching a porn movie, the man claimed.

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The fan also experienced physical discomfort. The hall's air conditioning was alleged to be turned way up, causing immense discomfort. Both the man and other fans reportedly struggled with the heat. When fans complained, Madonna reportedly requested they remove their clothes.

The breach of contract was also attributed to Madonna's delay. Instead of starting the show at the 8:30 pm time given, it allegedly started at 10 pm. When Madonna finally emerged, she allegedly only sang the playback instead of live. Forcing concert-goers to endure hours of waiting in hot and uncomfortable arenas, as well as being exposed to porn without warning, is "proof of Madonna's outrageous disregard for her fans," the lawsuit says.

Not the first time fans have sued Madonna for lateness

This is not the first time Madonna has been sued due to her delays during "The Celebration Tour." On December 13, 2023, she took the stage at 10:30 pm, two hours after the listed start time, resulting in a lawsuit from two fans who couldn't easily get home afterward.

The organizers responded by denying that a specific start time was guaranteed for Madonna's performance. "No regular concertgoer - especially not a fan of Madonna - would expect the headliner of a major arena concert to appear on stage at the indicated time," their statement read. The delay was also blamed on technical issues.

Even in her "Madame X" tour of 2019, a fan sued the regularly tardy diva, only to later drop the lawsuit. Madonna's "Celebration Tour," despite the legal entanglements, came to an end with a stellar record: As the first woman, she completed six tours with earnings of more than $100 million apiece.

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The concert attendee in Los Angeles, unhappy with the delay and explicit content, decided to file a lawsuit against Madonna and the concert organizers, citing breach of contract, deceptive representation, emotional distress, and unfair competition among other reasons. This lawsuit isn't Madonna's first legal issue related to delay during the Celebration Tour; earlier in 2023, two fans sued her after a concert started two hours late in another city. Despite these legal entanglements, Madonna's Celebration Tour still achieved a remarkable feat, making her the first woman to complete six tours with earnings of over $100 million each.

