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Completely unresolved: How to deal with the actions of Bad Oeynhausen and Mannheim?

Many, including our columnist, have criticized and ridiculed the Sylt-Nazis. What words, however, do we find for the murderers of Bad Oeynhausen and Mannheim?

Flowers, candles and handwritten condolences remind in the Spa Park Bad Oeynhausen of the murdered...
Flowers, candles and handwritten condolences remind in the Spa Park Bad Oeynhausen of the murdered 20-year-old Philippos

M. Beisenherz: I'm sorry, I'm private here - Completely unresolved: How to deal with the actions of Bad Oeynhausen and Mannheim?

One would rather just scream. In fact, a public figure should just scream. The news situation apparently requires it of them, that they get worked up, communicate in capital letters. If not constantly, then at least about the right things. Recently, after the terrible and fatal attack on a 20-year-old named Philippos, allegedly committed by an 18-year-old Syrian. Quickly came the cries, yes, accusations: "YES, AND YOU SAY NOTHING!", "LOUDLY AND HERE ..."?!

This was the allegation, the beaten youth in Bad Oeynhausen or the stabbed policeman Rouven Laur in Mannheim emotionalized me less than a few idiots who shout Nazi pop songs on Sylt. That's laughable, wrong, and inappropriate. Nevertheless, I must ask myself, as a representative of the media, how I deal with such demands. Why does a significant part of the public have the impression that there is a bias when it comes to describing social problems?

This text does not provide solutions. It has no answers to when, how, and where deportation would be a solution, whether we need more police presence in the cities, whether harsher penalties and a lowering of the minimum age for violence escalation could prevent it. I don't believe it, but that's not the point.

The Reporting Style

What I want to answer is the question of whether the reporting style is right. When comparing topics like Sylt and Bad Oeynhausen, I must admit: it was probably not right. After the video of the Polo and Perlenkette hooligans from "Pony" with their scabby immigration policy at the Öffentlichkeit came, journalism was in an exceptional state due to the "Champagne Nazis". It was all sloppy, gruesomely entertaining, sincerely concerned, clear, but also: simple. These elitist assholes from Sylt with their cultural appropriation of right-wing folk traditions from some Sachsen-Anhalt villages can be pointed at with a finger, there's even a joke to be made, there's not much to do with them. The fight against the right is made much more comfortable from a Co-Working Space in Friedrichshain than if one goes to Freital on the street.

If there's a demo, then with 100,000 in Hamburg at Jungfernstieg. Why one should rather not go there alone after 10 pm if one values one's own safety is a question that is seldom asked. Because the answer to that doesn't make any fun: misunderstood tolerance, a understanding of integration that only keeps migrants geographically on the outskirts of society, and a middle that dances rhetorically around the pain points out of fear of racism suspicion. Until the AfD and their helpers take up the cause and depict reality in a way that suddenly looks like a Hieronymus Bosch painting.

Of course, we cannot accept right-wing gutter songs like on Sylt nonchalantly. But whoever turns the regulator up to ten for weeks at "L'amour toujours" should not be surprised when, after a relatively soberly described case like in Bad Oeynhausen, the impression arises that public opinion and published opinion are in a stark contradiction to each other. And one doesn't have to look to the USA for that.

In light of the controversial events, Micky Beisenherz, a notable figure, had strong opinions about the reporting style towards Sylt and Bad Oeynhausen. Despite the horrific incident in Bad Oeynhausen, Micky found the public outcry over the incident less impactful than the harmful actions in Mannheim and Sylt.

Remarkably, Micky Beisenherz, hailing from Mannheim itself, criticized the media's focus on certain issues, such as the controversial events in Sylt, while seemingly overlooking similar incidents in less popular locations, like Bad Oeynhausen or Bad Oeynhausen itself.

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