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Commissar-Backström-Star was surprised about Griesgram-Role

Detective Evert Baäckström of the Swedish crime series becomes nicer over time, as the lead actor reveals, hiding a plan behind it.

Commissar Backstrom had corners and edges too, but found a warm heart in Bergqvist.
Commissar Backstrom had corners and edges too, but found a warm heart in Bergqvist.

Television - Commissar-Backström-Star was surprised about Griesgram-Role

Actor Kjell Bergqvist was surprised and happy, according to his own words, about the offer for the grumpy and egotistical TV commissioner Evert Bäckström's role back then. "I was a bit surprised and also happy when they offered me to play this very special, very interesting and also famous character", the Swede (71) said in an interview for the ARD.

However, the TV producers of the film adaptation also added some scenes where the TV commissioner is seen with the child detective Edvin. "It's important to show that there's a warm heart in this very unpleasant person", Bergqvist explained. "That's why we also added some extra scenes with his little neighbor."

The new season of the series "Commissioner Bäckström" starts this Sunday (21. July) in the First at 21.45 with "The Unsolved Case", followed by "The Informant" at 22.30.

The crew has tried to develop the character and the series with a bit more humor over time, as the actor stated. "I think he tries to be a bit softer when he's with children – and that he feels better in sunny Mallorca than in dark and cold Scandinavia." Bergqvist himself has been a passionate Thailand fan for many years and often travels there with his family. "We spend at least four to five winter months there every year. And we have also founded a foundation to give something back to these friendly and often poor people."

  1. Kjell Bergqvist expressed his delight upon receiving the job offer to portray Evert Bäckström on German television, discussing it during an interview on ARDE.
  2. Despite Evert Bäckström's grumpy and egotistical character, the television producers included scenes showing his interactions with the child detective Edvin, highlighting his warm heart.
  3. Viewers can watch the new season of "Commissioner Bäckström" this Sunday on German TV, featuring episodes like "The Unsolved Case" and "The Informant."
  4. Within the series, the character of Evert Bäckström has undergone some changes, becoming more humorous over time, as depicted by the actor's performance.
  5. Bergqvist, being a passionate Thailand fan, has spent numerous winter months in the country with his family and has even established a foundation to support local, friendly but often financially challenged people.

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