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Chancellor Schulz urges maximum efforts for security at the European Championship.

The European Football Championship kick-off is in less than three weeks in Germany. The Chancellor plans to visit the stadium during the event, discussing his feelings of safety.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is looking forward to the European Football Championship.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is looking forward to the European Football Championship.

Upcoming Euro 2024 event. - Chancellor Schulz urges maximum efforts for security at the European Championship.

The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz feels confident about the security measures at the European Football Championship and recommends others to do the same. "There have been a lot of efforts put into ensuring safety. So, focus on enjoying the game and supporting your teams," Scholz told Sebastian Hellmann during an episode of the "Spielmacher - the EM podcast from 360Media."

Scholz pointed out that substantial security measures have been taken in and around the stadiums. "Both Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) and I have discussed these preparations at length. We've worked with state police, police authorities of other nations, and intelligence services to minimize any potential risks," he said.

Not only have there been special border controls, but also tech-driven security enhancements in the stadiums, according to Scholz. "We've carried out tests and simulations to be better prepared for any problems. While it's not possible to eliminate all risks given the precarious global situation, we've done everything we could to maximize security."

As for his sports background, 65-year-old Scholz was quite unathletic as a youngster. "As a teenager, I had a 4 in my report card, which shows how unathletic I was," he recalls. "However, I did learn to swim at a young age, resulting in me getting a DLRG certificate. Otherwise, I was really unathletic."

And then, around the age of 40, his attitude towards sports turned around. "I began running and do it two or three times each week. At 50, I took up rowing, which I'm quite passionate about now. Exercise is now a part of my life; I go for runs, cycle, row, and hike. It's a good feeling."

Why he prefers sports: "It helps me forget about my professional obligations. So, I dive into it and enjoy it," explained the Chancellor. Furthermore, Scholz doesn't listen to music while he exercises.

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