- Cathy Hummels has ceased to oversee "The Clash of Authentic Celebrities."
RTLzwei is giving its scandalous reality series "Battle of the Famous Faces" a facelift. This transformation means that Cathy Hummels is no longer at the helm of the show. The network shared that after completing five seasons, they're aiming for "content transformation." Meanwhile, Hummels herself expressed a need for extra time in her personal life. She voiced her intentions on Instagram, mentioning her son and his school schedule.
The television network hasn't disclosed yet which alterations will be made to the series, where prominent figures and celebs reside on a Thai beach, competing against each other in games for a hefty payout. Entertainment head Malte Kruber simply commented: "The Battle of the Reality Stars" will keep evolving, astound our numerous followers with thrilling modifications, and totally renovate the entire concept."
The changes in "Battle of the Famous Faces" have sparked interest in the media, with numerous outlets speculating about the show's future direction. Despite the restructuring, the series continues to maintain a significant presence in the realm of reality television.