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Cara Delvingne praises her romantic partner.

Commemorative smooches exchanged

Their love can be seen by everyone: Minke and Cara Delevingne snogging in the stands at Wimbledon.
Their love can be seen by everyone: Minke and Cara Delevingne snogging in the stands at Wimbledon.

Cara Delvingne praises her romantic partner.

"I've finally found the perfect person," exclaims Cara Delevingne, beaming about her loved one Leah Manson (also known as Minke). The couple has been together for two cherished years now. To celebrate their anniversary, Cara expresses her heartfelt feelings publicly – uploading numerous photos and videos on Instagram of them kissing, holding hands, and experiencing joy together. "Two wonderful years with you," the model pens, followed by a humorous comment about the abundance of smooching images in front of different backdrops.

Cara Delevingne seems to have found her match in singer Minke. Their love story began in 2022. To commemorate their second year together, Cara shares a plethora of snaps and clips exhibiting their affection on social media. "The last two years have been filled with life's ups and downs, growth, development, and, most importantly, LOVE. I'm ecstatic to have discovered the perfect person to share the highs and lows of existence with. I can't envision my world without you," Cara effusively declares her love for her girlfriend in her Instagram post.

Cara and Leah have a deep connection. They've known each other since their teenage years at Bedales boarding school in Hampshire, England, but they lost touch and didn't reunite until a 2014 Alanis Morissette concert. "I've been searching for my companion in crime for so long, and I never thought it would be someone I attended school with (and who I was already in love with in my adolescence)," Cara discloses in her post.

2023, Delevingne discusses support in her sobriety journey

Last year, Cara praised Leah for her support during her recovery journey. It proved to be "the most fantastic year I've ever experienced." Their relationship makes her incredibly content, and she's able to let her guard down with the musician. Delevingne also mentioned her plans to freeze her eggs for a potential future family.

Cara rose to fame as a model at age 16 and eventually established herself as an actress. In 2013, Cara shared her pansexual identity in an "Entertainment Weekly" interview. Throughout her life, the 31-year-old has dated various individuals, including American musician St. Vincent (Annie Clark) and actresses Michelle Rodriguez and Ashley Benson.

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