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Bülent Ceylan pays tribute to the fallen police officer.

Comic hailing from Mannheim.

Born in Mannheim: Bülent Ceylan.
Born in Mannheim: Bülent Ceylan.

Bülent Ceylan pays tribute to the fallen police officer.

Bulent Ceylan, a famous comedian, was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1976. He has been actively participating in social and political initiatives in his hometown for a while. The recent death of a 29-year-old police officer, who was brutally attacked with suspected Islamist intentions, in Mannheim has deeply affected Ceylan.

The tragic incident of the police officer's death sent shockwaves throughout the nation, including amongst the comedian. Ceylan, who is half-German and half-Turkish, supports several projects for children and against racism in Mannheim.

On his Instagram page, Ceylan shared a photograph of himself at the site of the attack with his friend Ali G., both of them gazing down at the large memorial set up at the market square, which had candles, flowers, and condolence messages.

A Clear Message Against Violence and Fanaticism

Ceylan expressed his condolences in the post. He mentioned how the ambience was sad, but there were also numerous reminders of the courageous officer's sacrifice for the safety of others. He sent his deepest sympathies to the officer's family, friends, and colleagues. Ceylan emphasized the fragility of peace and security with this incident. He condemned any kind of violence and fanaticism, appealing to the community to come together to promote peace and solidarity.

Regardless of the origins of hatred, fanaticism, and hatred, they have no place in our society, Ceylan wrote. He called for a society where respect and humanity are prioritized, where tragedies of the past are a thing of the past, and where life is valued. His post garnered over 85,000 "likes" within a day.

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