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Broken ribs while swimming? Lange cries in pain

Drama exit for triathlon ace

Has to retire early in Roth: Triathlon star Patrick Lange.
Has to retire early in Roth: Triathlon star Patrick Lange.

Broken ribs while swimming? Lange cries in pain

Two-time Triathlon World Champion Patrick Lange drops out at the prestigious Challenge Roth. The 37-year-old comes out of the water with a larger-than-expected lag and complains about breathing problems. He might have broken a rib.

Patrick Lange had to withdraw early from Challenge Roth. The German professional triathlete abandoned the course less than 20 kilometers into the bike leg and rolled behind the sweep vehicle. Lange took off his helmet, lay down on the ground, and cried in pain. "He said, 'I can't breathe'", race director Felix Walchshöfer previously reported to Bayerischer Rundfunk. "He probably got a kick at the swimming start." Lange himself suspected that he had broken a rib.

Langes trainer Bjoern Geesmann explained to BR that his ward got hit by a kick right at the swim start. "As soon as he moves a little, it's the biggest drama", said the coach. It could also be an indirect injury, Lange might have pulled something. He is to be examined more closely. The mental pain from the early exit is even greater than the physical, according to Geesmann. "He's suffering, that's for sure. That's not what we needed today."

Even in the first transition zone, the 37-year-old two-time Ironman World Champion had significant problems. He came out of the water with a larger-than-expected lag and held his hands at the lower ribcage. Lange kept hunching over, the pain was obvious to the Roth winner of 2021 after the 3.8 kilometers swim in the Main-Donau- Canal. Lange mounted his bike, but the pain was too great, he had trouble holding the aero position, grabbed at his ribs, and shook his head, before he had to withdraw early on the 180 kilometer long bike course.

His great running strength at the closing marathon could not be utilized, he had set a time of under 2:30 hours for the 42.2 kilometers to the finish. In 2019, Lange had to withdraw from the bike leg due to health issues after his two title triumphs in Hawaii. It remains to be seen how the injury retirement in Roth will affect his preparation and the WM-Race in Hawaii in October.

Lange's breathing problems during Challenge Roth could be linked to his suspected rib fracture. Despite being a triathlon ace, the pain from the rib injury made it nearly impossible for him to maintain a comfortable swimming position. The dramatic turn of events in his sports career added to his mental distress, making his withdrawal from the competition particularly challenging.

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