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Boy climbs onto train carriage - body extensively burned

Second incident in a few days

Every year there are several incidents in which people get caught in overhead lines.
Every year there are several incidents in which people get caught in overhead lines.

Boy climbs onto train carriage - body extensively burned

Within a short period of time, a second teenager in Germany sustains severe injuries after a rooftop action on a freight train. The boy paid for the excursion on a cargo wagon almost with his life. Eighty percent of his body surface is burnt.

A 14-year-old boy in Upper Bavaria climbed onto an abandoned steam locomotive wagon of the railway and sustained an electric shock. The adolescent suffered severe burn injuries and underwent emergency surgery, as the Munich Police Inspection reported.

The 14-year-old and two 16-year-olds climbed in Wolfratshausen onto abandoned steam locomotive wagons on the tracks. While the 14-year-old reached into the overhead power line, causing an electric shock, and fell roughly five meters to the ground. A witness called the emergency services. The fire department de-energized the now shut off overhead power line, eliminating any danger from it.

The critically injured adolescent was flown to a Munich clinic by a rescue helicopter. According to police reports, 80 percent of his body was burnt. After the emergency surgery, his condition stabilized. One of the two 16-year-olds was also reportedly seriously, but not life-threateningly injured.

Severe Shock Can Also Occur Without Contact

There have been numerous incidents where people have been injured or killed due to electric shocks while illegally climbing onto railway tracks. The Federal Police issued a warning once again. A 15,000 volt power line can arc over without direct contact.

In May, a 35-year-old man died in Karlsruhe when he tried to ride on a freight wagon and came too close to the power line. A few days ago, a 13-year-old girl in Schwerte, North Rhine-Westphalia, was reportedly injured in the same manner. According to police reports, she had climbed onto a freight wagon and then touched an overhead power line that was still live. The background was reportedly that the girl wanted to make a video with her friends.

Despite the warnings from the Federal Police, children continue to engage in dangerous activities on railway tracks. Recently, a 13-year-old girl in Schwerte, North Rhine-Westphalia, had an international incident when she climbed onto a freight wagon and was injured after touching a live overhead power line while attempting to make a video with her friends.

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