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Banksy clashes with minister over art campaign for refugees

A special "crowdsurfing" caused a sensation at a festival: Dolls in a rubber boat resembled migrants crossing the English Channel. Banksy is behind it. He defends himself against criticism.

The British Home Secretary Cleverly has criticized Banksy's action. (archive picture)
The British Home Secretary Cleverly has criticized Banksy's action. (archive picture)

Migration - Banksy clashes with minister over art campaign for refugees

Due to an action that drew attention to the fate of irregular migrants in the English Channel, Banksy is arguing with British Home Secretary James Cleverly. The British Street-Art artist, whose identity is unknown, raised a raft filled with dolls in orange life jackets into the crowd at the Glastonbury Music Festival last Friday. In response, Cleverly criticized the action as "offensive and unacceptable," and "trivializing" the crossing of migrants with small boats.

Banksy retorted. Cleverly's criticism is "a little over the top," wrote the British, who hails from Bristol, on his official Instagram account where he publicly shares his art and actions. Banksy emphasized that the "MV Louise Michel" rescue ship, which he financed, rescued 17 unaccompanied minors from the Mediterranean Sea on the night of Monday 18th. "As punishment, the Italian authorities have detained it - which I find offensive and unacceptable."

Migration is a key issue in the upcoming British Parliament election on Thursday. Thousands of people without the necessary papers come to the country over the English Channel every year. The conservative government in London finds this a thorn in its side. They want to deter irregular migrants with harsh laws and deport them without regard to their origin to Rwanda. In the vote, the Conservatives led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak may be rejected. The likely new Labour government intends to scrap the Rwanda plan.

Banksy's response to Cleverly Banksy's Instagram post about Glastonbury action Cleverly's post about Banksy's action

  1. Banksy's Glastonbury art action, featuring dolls representing migrants, has sparked controversy with Home Secretary James Cleverly.
  2. The migrant crisis in the English Channel is a central topic in the upcoming British Parliament election, with the Conservative government advocating for tough measures.
  3. Banksy, the anonymous British Street-Artist, admitted that he finds the Italian authorities' detention of the "MV Louise Michel" rescue ship, which he funded, "offensive and unacceptable."
  4. At the Glastonbury Music Festival, Banksy's raft filled with orange life jacket-clad dolls was met with criticism from Cleverly, who described it as "offensive and trivializing."
  5. The controversial action at the music festival was Banksy's way of raising awareness about the plight of refugees trying to cross the English Channel.
  6. The likely incoming Labour government plans to abolish the Conservative's controversial Rwanda deportation plan for irregular migrants.
  7. Artists and musicians, including those at the Glastonbury Music Festival, have used their platforms to support migrants and condemn the government's harsh policies.
  8. In response to Cleverly's criticism, Banksy, via his Instagram account, argued that Cleverly's response to his art action was "a little over the top."

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