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Annoying honking or happy celebrating? What is allowed in EM motorcades

Soccer fans like to use the motorcade to celebrate after a victory. This is generally tolerated by the police at sporting events. But there are limits.

Soccer fans celebrate Germany's victory against Hungary with a motorcade
Soccer fans celebrate Germany's victory against Hungary with a motorcade

Questions and answers - Annoying honking or happy celebrating? What is allowed in EM motorcades

Days of the week translation:Monday, Tuesday, and so on (for the rest of the days in the text)

Translated text:

Horns honking, flags waving, and joy showing – the phenomenon of the Autokorso is back in trend this summer. Football fans celebrate their national team's successes in the cities. There might be some Autokorso events this Tuesday evening if Turkey wins against Austria in the quarterfinals in Leipzig. But is an Autokorso allowed, and who is liable for damages? The German Press Agency provides an overview.

Are Autokorso drives after football matches allowed?

The Automobile Club of Germany (ADAC) says no. According to the Road Traffic Regulation, Autokorso drives are not allowed due to unnecessary noise and unnecessary toing and froing. There could even be a fine of 80 to 100 Euros. However, the police tolerate this "Horn Concert" during sporting events like the EM. The Police Criminal Prevention of the States and the Federal Government states on its website that Autokorso drives are tolerated. However, there are "a few rules."

What legal grounds are there?

According to the ADAC, the legal basis is Paragraph 30 of the Road Traffic Regulation. Although Autokorso drives are not allowed but tolerated, it is essential to comply with traffic regulations. During the drive, you must stop at red lights, and you cannot disengage while driving, and you cannot use your mobile phone as a driver. Alcohol at the wheel is, of course, prohibited. And you should always consider the well-being of others. "A disturbance of third parties must also be limited during the convoy to an acceptable level," explained the Police Criminal Prevention of the States and the Federal Government.

What incidents have occurred during the EM so far?

According to the police, a 67-year-old man was hit by a vehicle in the Berlin district of Neukoelln after the 2:1 win of Turkey against the Czech Republic in the group stage. It was initially unclear whether the accident was related to a football party.

How does the police in Leipzig approach a possible Autokorso after the game Austria vs. Turkey?

According to a spokesperson, contact has been made with police stations in the previously involved stadiums with Turkish participation to gather experience. In contrast to the previous games in Leipzig, there is also a heightened focus on the situation after the game. "People are allowed to jubilate and celebrate," said the spokesperson. However, the police will intervene if a dangerous situation arises, emphasized the spokesperson.

How can neighbors resist Autokorso drives?

It is possible, but in practice, it is challenging from the ADAC's perspective. Each driver would have to be individually warned. The administrative authority decides then whether it will take action.

Who is liable for damages during an Autokorso?

Primarily, the liability insurance for the vehicle of the accident causers. So, passengers in the vehicle may also have claims against the insurance. However, if a harm results from co-negligence, this could lead to co-liability according to ADAC. But every individual case must be considered.

Are flags on cars allowed?

Showing flags is permitted. It doesn't matter if it's small flags at the side windows, mirror decals, or stickers on the car. However, the driver's view should not be obstructed. For example, it is forbidden to hold a large-sized national flag out of the window during the ride. Furthermore, on the autobahn, it must be ensured that the flags do not endanger the following traffic. Therefore, the ADAC advises to safely secure the flags before driving on the autobahn.

  1. Despite the 67-year-old man being hit by a vehicle in Neukölln following Turkey's victory against the Czech Republic in the group stage, the exact connection to a football celebration remains unclear.
  2. The ADAC cautions against Autokorso drives after soccer matches, citing unnecessary noise and traffic as reasons, although fines may not be imposed during European Football Championship events.
  3. During the EM, the police in Leipzig have reached out to police stations from previous Turkish participation stadiums to gather knowledge and prepare for potential Autokorso events after the Austria vs. Turkey game.
  4. The European Football Championship has seen Autokorso drives tolerated by police due to the enthusiastic spirit of soccer fans, though adherence to traffic regulations is still required to ensure safety and avoid liabilities.
  5. As the Automobile Club of Germany (ADAC) points out, autonomous driving, such as disengaging while driving, is not permitted during Autokorso drives due to the Road Traffic Regulation (Paragraph 30), even with police tolerance.
  6. In the context of Autokorso drives, the liability for damages primarily rests with the insurance of the vehicle responsible for the accident, although co-liability may apply in cases of co-negligence.

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