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Angela Merkel needs to appear on her podcast.

The top guest desired by Bill and Tom Kaulitz for their podcast is none other than German Chancellor Angela Merkel, surpassing any notable movie or music star.

Bill (l.) and Tom Kaulitz are both big Merkel fans.
Bill (l.) and Tom Kaulitz are both big Merkel fans.

Bill and Tom Kaulitz: Two Brothers - Angela Merkel needs to appear on her podcast.

In the popular podcast "Kaulitz Hills - Mustard from Hollywood," the Kaulitz twins are experiencing significant success, beyond their music career. Typically, they chat about God, the world, and everything in between in this podcast. However, high-profile guests have already made appearances, such as the successful podcast duo Olli Schulz and Jan Böhmermann. Their ultimate dream guest, as the Kaulitz twins have divulged in an interview with "Spiegel," is former Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Bill, despite criticism from his circle, remains adamant that he considers Merkel "great." He aspires to visit her at her home on Sylt some day. Similarly, Tom holds an admiration for the former CDU party leader and would like to encounter her "privately... for a pleasurable meeting."

The odds of this happening might not be insignificant, as Bill confirmed that initial contact has already been established. "We sent her a handwritten letter and she read it. We invited her to the podcast. Her office said she'll come when her book comes out." If Merkel honors her commitment, listeners of "Kaulitz Hills" can anticipate an extraordinary guest this November. Since on the 26th of November, Merkel is slated to release her political memoirs "Freedom. Memoirs 1954 - 2021," she could potentially promote her work right away with the Kaulitz twins.

Netflix Delayed by Merkel?

In a best-case scenario, Bill and Tom would still need to endure a waiting period for their dream guest, which spans roughly half a year. However, they won't be lacking entertainment options in the interim, as they've been busy with Netflix too: Their new docu-series "Kaulitz & Kaulitz" will premiere on the streaming platform in a matter of days, starting on the 25th of June. For eight months, a film team followed Bill and Tom Kaulitz, providing a behind-the-scenes look into their personal lives.

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