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His moment will come, everyone hopes.
His moment will come, everyone hopes.

And what about Thomas Müller?

Here is the translated text:

Thomas Müller has played 130 international matches for the German football team. The Bayern star has not yet played a major role at home European Championship for the German football team. Whether he gets his special moment depends on his teammates as well.

Müller laughs, holds the ball under his arm, as he comes to the DFB team's training ground in Herzogenaurach on a Wednesday morning. First realization: Phew, I'm still here. Then, after warming up, comes the second realization: I can still play football, that's clear. He lets Balle clatter, makes normal passes during the training drills. Müller plays passes, trots to the training dummies. Great relief.

The question that many in the Frankfurt Stadium and in front of the TV screens asked themselves on Sunday evening was: Where was Thomas Müller really? The German football team was behind with 0:1 in the last group game against Switzerland, the seconds ticked away. Wouldn't someone with the experience of the 34-year-old Bavarian have been needed? But national coach Julian Nagelsmann did not bring him in.

Instead, Nagelsmann made some surprising substitutions. He first brought on the young and fast Maximilian Beier, who is also called the young Thomas Müller, then Leroy Sané and Niclas Füllkrug. For Müller, there was no revolving door anymore, as Nagelsmann had to replace two defenders beforehand - the unfortunate Maximilian Mittelstadt and the confused Jonathan Tah.

The "Connector" between the "Magicians"

But even there, Müller was present, in the stadium, but not on the field. There is evidence: Left back David Raum, who had his tournament moment later, with a cross on Füllkrug's head, posted a video on his social media channels the next day. It has had 2.6 million views since then. In the video, Müller tried to hit the video scoreboard at the top of the Frankfurt Arena with a ball before the game. "One like this, I'll never get another one," Raum wrote below. Müller didn't make it.

In the DFB team squad, there are clearly defined roles. The "magicians" (Florian Wirtz, Jamal Musiala) work alongside the "workers" (Robert Andrich). In Nagelsmann's training camp script, Thomas Müller also has his place. The Bayern star is the "connector," as Nagelsmann described him in the Thuringian Blankenhain training camp. Someone who can get along with everyone: with the "rappers" and also the "yodelers" in the team. So someone who is more for the team spirit than for tactical success, without this role, Mueller would probably not have been in the EM squad.

For many from the generation that won the World Cup in 2014 in Rio, the home European Championship will be the last tournament. The 38-year-old Manuel Neuer let it be known last week whether at the EM his DFB career would culminate. The situation is clear for Toni Kroos: From now on, every knockout game could be his last as an active footballer. And Müller? Already after the World Cup in Qatar, it hinted at the end of his DFB career. After the group stage elimination, he gave an interview that felt like a farewell. It's hard to imagine that he will travel to the World Cup 2026 in the USA, Canada, and Mexico with the team.

Warning against "Emotional Outbursts"

However, Nagelsmann warned against emotional outbursts before the quarterfinals against Italy. "We have to keep our emotions in check," he said. "We have to stay focused and not let ourselves be carried away by the atmosphere." The coach also warned against underestimating the Italians. "They are a strong team, they have a good defense and a good counterattack," he said. "We have to be prepared for a tough game."

The German team will train again on Thursday before the quarterfinals on Friday against Italy. Nagelsmann is expected to make some changes to the team, but it is still unclear who will start in the eleven. The coach also has to decide whether to bring in Müller or not.

Despite the setbacks, the German team remains confident. "We have a great team spirit and we believe in ourselves," said goalkeeper Neuer. "We will give everything on the pitch and try to reach the final." The German fans are also optimistic and believe in their team. "We will support them all the way," said a fan from Munich. "Go Germany!"

Therefore, he doesn't have many moments left on the bench. At the moment, he shines particularly next to him, as he possesses many of his qualities there: as a kind of ambassador, as a mood barometer, as he did with FC Bayern. There, he learned his role in the Thomas Tuchel season: defending the coach, putting the table in front of him in an interview after a 0:3-thrashing against Leverkusen.

When all were in seventh heaven after the resounding 5:1 against the Scots, he stood in the catacombs of Munich's stadium, leaning casually at the table and warning the public about "emotional rollercoasters". Good feeling alone doesn't win games. He had experienced this often, the second game usually went wrong after a strong start: in 2010 in South Africa, in 2014 in Brazil, and in 2016 in France as well. This time against the Hungarians it didn't.

That wasn't necessarily Muller's fault, since he didn't play. Against the Swiss, his substitution in the thoughts of the national team coach made no sense. Nagelsmann wanted more tempo, he thought the Swiss would not huddle in their own six-man defense. Therefore, he substituted the fastest DFB player in the squad with the young Beier. But the plan didn't quite work out.

His moment will come in the knockout stage, Muller should not be written off. "Thomas is an absolute role model," said DFB sports director Rudi Völler about him, "the way he behaves, the way he helps the team, the young players." Even though his 34 years have not yet left his body, he lived in his long career never from his physique or tempo. He was always his own type of player. As a space explorer, he appeared there where the opposing defense did not reckon with him. Quick-wittedly, he made goals with his shin. Unconventionally, he maneuvered himself in narrow spaces in the penalty area past his markers. When it gets tough, it could be decisive. After all, he has also experienced all possible situations on the field with Toni Kroos and Manuel Neuer.

"I hope we'll go far and still have relatively many games," said Völler, "so it also matters for Thomas that he still has great chances to play." He has already had an appearance. In Munich, in the opening game, there was a special moment. The stadium rose in the 74th minute and chanted a name over and over again: "Thomas Müller". With his 130th appearance for the DFB team, he is on the same level with Lukas Podolski, only Miroslav Klose and Lothar Matthäus have more games. And a goal at the European Championship is still missing for him, which could change the course of the tournament.

Thomas Müller might have the opportunity to score his first goal at the European Football Championship 2024, as the experienced forward is expected to play a significant role for the German national soccer team under coach Julian Nagelsmann. Despite missing a chance to make an impact in the group stage against Switzerland, Nagelsmann has acknowledged Müller's importance as a "connector" within the team and someone who can contribute positively to team spirit.

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