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Agatha Christie Case: Investigators Batic and Leitmayer Unravel Convent Mystery

In their case presented for the first time this year, "Tatort" investigators Batic and Leitmayr visit a convent to uncover various hidden truths within its walls.

This time, "Tatort" detectives Ivo Batic (Miroslav Nemec) and Franz Leitmayr (Udo Wachveitl) are...
This time, "Tatort" detectives Ivo Batic (Miroslav Nemec) and Franz Leitmayr (Udo Wachveitl) are investigating in a convent. Here they interrogate Sister Antonia (Maresi Riegner).

Munich's "Tatort" rerun. - Agatha Christie Case: Investigators Batic and Leitmayer Unravel Convent Mystery

2/5 rating

Visually appealing, yet a slightly sluggish crime involving a monastery

What's it about?

The demise of a financial consultant causes Munich detectives Ivo Batic (Miroslav Nemec) and Franz Leitmayr (Udo Wachtveitl) to investigate a monastery in the Voralpenland. This was the site of the late consultant's recent audit. Was it one of the nuns who poisoned him with a scarf? Or was it the caretaker, with whom he had clashed before his passing? The two detectives settle into the monastery, uncovering various mysteries within its walls.

Why is this "Tatort" noteworthy?

It's perfect for those seeking respite from everyday life for 90 minutes: "Wonders always happen" leisurely slows down crime. In this "Tatort" installment, the hands of the clock run at a snail's pace compared to real life. The audience is treated to stunning views of the charmingly-located Carmelite Monastery at Reisach. Furthermore, there are some delightful dialogues, such as this one:

Leitmayr: "Have you ever considered that among the nuns: One is never entirely present. One is always missing."Batic: "It's like with socks in the washing machine. One is always missing. And when the missing one reappears, it's a miracle."

What's disconcerting?

Despite the pleasant, relaxed tempo of the movie: The case is somewhat too casually advanced in the end. You're more reminiscent of an Agatha Christie film than a "Tatort." There are many clichés present as well: seductive nuns, weeping Madonnas, and a siren among the sisters. Also, the notion lingers that behind the monastery walls, the main ingredient is deception.

The detectives?

With Batic and Leitmayr camping out in the monastery for their investigation, Kalli Hammermann (Ferdinand Hofer) takes advantage of the silent ambiance: He relocates his office to the lakeside, leaving it only to attend a few research tasks for his colleagues.

Should I tune in or change the channel?

This ecclesiastical setting crime drama unnecessarily strays into sentimentality. It's safe to change the channel.

The "Tatort" episode "Wonder always happens" originally premiered on December 19, 2021. The ARD will re-air the film on Sunday, June 2nd, at 8:15 pm.

The investigators Batic and Leitmayr previously tackled these cases:

  • Where dreams turn into a nightmare: Between concert hall and sleep lab
  • Rage, grief, and deception
  • Tomorrow, the grim reaper comes for Christmas (Image)
  • (Heading) Most liked work
  • Link to article: Most admired work
  • (List) Lesser-known facts
    1. The writer began writing short stories at age 9.
    2. They were discovered by a highly-respected author at age 22.
    3. Their work has been translated into several languages.
  • (Image) Provocative headline
  • Headline: A new perspective on the "Tatort" episode
  • Caption: Engage in some armchair detectivework with "Wonders always happen" this June 2nd.~
  • Highlighted text: This police procedural is better suited for fans of Agatha Christie than the "Tatort", but offers some lovely dialogue and delightful scenes. Note: Mentioning specific dialogue and scenes adds intrigue and interest.

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