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After World Cup gold: DFB talents dream of a professional career

The U17 world champions are cheered on their return to Germany. The next few years will show whether they have what it takes to be Bundesliga professionals.

Paris Brunner signs the Golden Book of the City of Frankfurt.
Paris Brunner signs the Golden Book of the City of Frankfurt.

U17 World Champion - After World Cup gold: DFB talents dream of a professional career

After the celebratory reception at home, the gold medal-winning boys of the U17 team returned to their everyday lives. "I'm doing my A-levels this year. That's why I have to go to math class on Tuesday," said Eric Emanuel da Silva Moreira from FC St. Pauli at the small party on the DFB campus.

The World Cup triumph of coach Christian Wück 's team brought great relief to the German Football Association and raised hopes for the future. "A few months ago, people were still saying that German soccer was in the doldrums and what was going on with our young players. That was a real exclamation mark, fitting for the European Championships, that we have set. We have experienced a winter fairytale and hope that this will continue next year with a summer fairytale," said DFB President Bernd Neuendorf with a view to the home European Championship.

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However, the first World Cup success of a German U17 team should have an impact far beyond 2024. "They're all great guys. We're on the right track with the squad," said Neuendorf. But the road to the professional ranks is long and arduous. "I told the players that the next step has to come from them and take place in the clubs," reported Wück.

At the same time, the former Bundesliga professional put the onus on the clubs. "The clubs have to find ways and means to give them playing time at the highest level. That is our bottleneck in Germany. We have enough talent, but at the moment we can't manage to give the boys enough playing time. Not in the 1st league, not in the 2nd league and not in the 3rd league either," said Wück.

First and foremost, it's about trust, which was the big plus with the U17s. "I don't think the professional clubs have this trust. The question is why not," criticized the 50-year-old and warned: "Without good training, without good talent, the senior national team and the U21s will not be fed with young players."

The Spanish top club FC Barcelona could serve as a role model, where talented players are already being used at a young age. "Other nations - Spain is a good example - show us how it's done by using young players in the top three leagues. I would like to see more of that in Germany," said Wück.

Finn Jeltsch is one player who is on the move. The defender from second-division club 1. FC Nürnberg was at least in the Franconian squad before the World Cup trip to Indonesia and is dreaming of making his professional debut soon. "I want to carry on in the same way. Hopefully the coach has the confidence in me," said Jeltsch.

Golden generation with good career prospects

In general, DFB sports director Rudi Völler advises the U17 world champions around goalscorer Paris Brunner to keep a sense of proportion and keep their feet on the ground in their further development. He hopes "that they are now advised in such a way that they can also be used in the clubs, that is the basis of everything. That they don't go to clubs where they don't get to play," Völler said on Sport1-Doppelpass.

Wück is in good spirits. "Everyone has the goal of making it into the professional game," he assured. DFB boss Neuendorf is also convinced that the golden generation has good career prospects. "It's tremendous when you see how many contexts they are involved in and then still manage to focus. That's very special," he praised, adding: "The team's mentality is exemplary."

Now they also have the necessary self-confidence. When asked about a role model from the Bundesliga, right-back Da Silva Moreira said: "I'm trying to start a new era and become a role model myself."

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