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According to Pro-Palestina-Post: Cancellation of El Ghazi by Mainz 05 invalid

Due to a post on Instagram, footballer Anwar El Ghazi was removed from FSV Mainz 05's squad. Additionally, the club demanded a large sum of money back. A court has now ruled in the dispute.

Soccer pro Anwar El Ghazi (r.) and his lawyer Alexander Bergweiler (l.) at the Labor Court in Mainz
Soccer pro Anwar El Ghazi (r.) and his lawyer Alexander Bergweiler (l.) at the Labor Court in Mainz

dispute over Instagram post - According to Pro-Palestina-Post: Cancellation of El Ghazi by Mainz 05 invalid

The Labor Court in Mainz has declared the termination of contract of football Bundesliga team FSV Mainz 05 against football professional Anwar El Ghazi due to his pro-Palestinian Instagram posts as invalid. The presiding judge, Bettina Chaudhry, explained this by stating that no duty violation occurred that would necessitate a termination of the employment relationship.

The decision revolved around a Social Media post from El Ghazi on November 1, where he stated that he stood by his original posting and would not retract it. This was considered protected under freedom of speech, according to common understanding.

This did not constitute a breach of loyalty that would necessitate a termination. El Ghazi earns approximately 1.7 million Euro in unpaid wages and bonuses. He is also to be re-engaged as a licensed player.

Following an unsuccessful conciliation hearing in January before the Labor Court Mainz, there was also no result at the chamber hearing in June. Even a conciliation proposal from Presiding Judge Bettina Chaudhry afterwards failed to reach an agreement.

Club demands 523,000 Euro from Anwar El Ghazi

The sensational case began with an initial post from El Ghazi in mid-October. After terrorists acting on behalf of Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, El Ghazi wrote in a then-deleted Instagram post: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." This means that Palestine is supposed to extend from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, effectively denying Israel's existence.

El Ghazi's contract with Mainz originally ran until June 30 of this year but has been extended due to class retention. The bonuses and monthly wages, according to his lawyer Alexander Bergweiler, amount to 150,000 Euro gross. He spoke of a total of 4.2 million Euro.

The Mainzers, however, demand roughly 523,000 Euro from El Ghazi in return. The club sees significant reputational damage from the incidents. If the player waives his claims, he can leave without penalty, lawyer Johan-Michel Menke recently stated.

  1. Despite the Labor Court's ruling, FSV Mainz 05 still demands approximately 523,000 Euro from footballer Anwar El Ghazi due to the reputational damage caused by his pro-Palestinian Instagram posts.
  2. Anwar El Ghazi, who earns around 1.7 million Euro in unpaid wages and bonuses, announced on Instagram on November 1 that he would not retract his pro-Palestinian statement, leading to the termination of his contract with FSV Mainz 05.
  3. In the midst of the controversy, Dutch footballer Anwar El Ghazi, who currently plays for FSV Mainz 05, shared a pro-Palestinian message on Instagram, leading to legal disputes and other repercussions for both the player and the club.

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