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A TV commentator is freaking out about "King of Versailles".

A TV commentator is freaking out about "King of Versailles".

For those who wish to experience a "equestrian delight in a royal setting," turn on your television: Legendary ARD equestrian sports commentator Carsten Sostmeier is unable to contain himself upon witnessing Michael Jung's Olympic victory, and he goes completely "berserk."

Michael Jung's Olympic victory in Paris has inspired legendary ARD equestrian sports commentator Carsten Sostmeier to an emotional outburst of joy. "Oh friends, now my pulse needs a day, maybe even two, to come back down after such excitement," said the 64-year-old Sostmeier during the live broadcast. Just moments before, eventing rider Jung had secured Germany's second gold medal at the Summer Games in France.

"It was an 'equestrian delight in a royal setting'," said sports journalist Sostmeier in his characteristic style. For many, he is a cult figure, who refers to himself on his website as the "voice of equestrian sports." Professional TV critics and social media users have already hailed him as a "horse whisperer."

"Friends! Bravo, bravo, bravo! Wow, what a tour d'honneur of emotions, galloping right into our hearts," said Sostmeier as Jung's gold medal victory became clear. His voice kept breaking, and he struggled to find the right words. "Friends, this is incredible, this is incredible. I'm going crazy here," said Sostmeier: "He's bringing this home so focused with this fantastic horse."

The commentator dubbed the 41-year-old Jung the "King of Equestrianism in Versailles" and added: "You're writing Olympic equestrian history. Congratulations, I tip my hat, or rather my headphones, to this performance."

Against the dreamlike backdrop of the Palace of Versailles, Michael Jung secured his fourth Olympic gold and became the first eventing rider in Olympic history to win gold three times in a row. He kept his nerve in the decisive round, made no mistakes, and crowned himself, as he had in 2012 and 2016, the jubilant winner.

The ARD broadcasted Michael Jung's emotional outburst after his Olympic victory, with their equestrian sports commentator Carsten Sostmeier hailing him as the "King of Equestrianism in Versailles." Many viewers on the ARD praised Sostmeier for his passionate commentary, referring to him as a "horse whisperer."

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