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A high price: "Maria Wern, Kripo Gotland" in the first series

This is an unusual Swedish crime thriller: the viewer knows the murderer within seconds. Because it's about completely different things.

Maria Wern (Eva Röse) and her colleague Arvidsson (Peter Perski).
Maria Wern (Eva Röse) and her colleague Arvidsson (Peter Perski).

TV tip - A high price: "Maria Wern, Kripo Gotland" in the first series

Among the ARD crime dramas,"Maria Wern, Kripo Gotland" is more of an insider tip. However, the adventures of the Swedish detective inspector offer plenty of suspense and sophisticated entertainment late at night. On Thursday at 9.45 pm, the new episode "Freier Fall" will be shown. This time, the peaceful silence of Gotland's island capital Visby is shattered by shots fired at night.

The shooter, a young drug addict, escapes in the night. A couple who happened to be nearby desperately try to save the life of the man who has been shot. Maria Wern (Eva Röse) has to gently pull the bloodied first aider away from the dead man.

After a short time, the audience knows the identity of the murderer: it is the 24-year-old small-time crook Adde Fahlén (Michel Van Berkum). But it is only marginally about the killer, much more important are the people behind this execution at a ruined castle. In a recorded phone call, investigator Arvidsson (Peter Perski) recognizes the voice of drug baron Josef Boman (Edvin Bredefeldt).

This is not the first time Bomann has crossed Wern's path. And the tough investigator throws herself into the case with full energy. Her partner Sebastian Ståhl (Erik Johansson) doesn't like this at all - Maria is four months pregnant. The fact that she nevertheless jumps off a balcony in pursuit of the murderer infuriates Sebastian. And Boman soon proves to be a dangerous opponent: he doesn't hesitate to accost Maria's teenage daughter at the riding stables in order to show the inspector and her boyfriend his power.

Meanwhile, the circumstances play into the hands of the police. All they have to do is follow the murder weapon. Guns are hard to come by on the remote Baltic Sea island, as the team explains to new boss Annika Fåhréus (Katrin Sundberg). Firearms are a precious commodity in the underworld. The police follow the trail of the overly nervous gun courier Isak Forss (Kimi El Feky). Little by little, the puzzle comes together. The trail leads to a prison on the mainland. In the end, Maria Wern puts herself in great danger during the investigation - and she pays a very high price for it.

Lead actress Eva Röse has known Gotland well since her teenage years, when she worked in a restaurant there. "I love my island," she said in the ARD interview. "It's an absolutely fantastic place! My childhood memories are of long nights, dancing under the stars." Today, she appreciates Gotland as the perfect crime thriller setting: "Well ... it's an island. You can't just leave it. And the spectacular nature and dramatic landscapes are part of the stories. The light, the ocean and the mystery of the place make our world so vivid."

More about the series

Read also:

  1. Despite being an insider tip, the Swedish crime drama "Maria Wern, Kripo Gotland" on ARD is gaining popularity in Germany, offering viewers late-night suspense and entertainment.
  2. If you're in Sweden on December 28, don't miss the new episode of "Maria Wern" on SVT's TV Outlook, as it airs simultaneously with the ARD broadcast.
  3. Germany and Sweden share a love for quality television, as shown by the collaboration between ARD and SVT, with "Maria Wern" being a prime example of this international cooperation.
  4. Fans of "Maria Wern" often travel to Visby, Gotland, to visit the filming locations and immerse themselves in the series' setting, making it a popular destination for tourists looking for an insider tip.
  5. German media outlets have been praising the series, with ARD describing it as a must-watch for fans of detective shows, and Korean media outlets taking note of the series' success in Scandinavia.
  6. With the new season of "Maria Wern" set to air, audiences in both Germany and Sweden are eagerly anticipating more intriguing cases and suspenseful moments from the talented cast and crew.


