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"A dedicated group of caretakers" reside in the nursing home.

Team confronts care crisis, elderly population, euthanasia: Discussing heated subjects while sharing a laugh.

Jan Marxen (Frédéric Brossier, r.) tells Dr. Gabriele Simkeit (Eva Sixt, 2nd from left) and Otto...
Jan Marxen (Frédéric Brossier, r.) tells Dr. Gabriele Simkeit (Eva Sixt, 2nd from left) and Otto Garber (Florian Martens, l.) about his dead girlfriend's drug addiction.

Exciting TV drama. - "A dedicated group of caretakers" reside in the nursing home.

"Abandoned Soul" follows young Charlotte Been (Helena Sattler) as she finishes her night shift at a worn-out nursing home. Just a handful of rooms are occupied, including Charlotte - who seems surprisingly anxious - and a demented woman who calmly roams the corridors. Suddenly, a strange noise is heard, and not long after, the young woman is found dead in the sister's room.

In the latest episode of "A Sturdy Team" (airing on ZDF, Saturday at 8:15 pm), the series dives headfirst into the German nursing crisis, raising unsettling questions that our fast-aging society would rather brush under the rug.

Detectives Otto Garber (Florian Martens) and Linett Wachow (Stefanie Stappenbeck) share a common belief: Only others get old. And with his plan to establish a seniors' home with his old pals from the good old days, the retired policeman Garber believes he has a foolproof solution. A doctor is onboard, ensuring safety and security. And even their comical old colleague Sputnik (Jaecki Schwarz) receives an invitation.

The mystery behind the murdered caregiver leads to the suspect couple Regine (Tanja Schleiff) and Jakob Heinssen (Beat Marti) at their shady nursing home. Charlotte's shifty friend Jan Marxen (Frédéric Brossier) also arouses suspicion. Along with the former architect Lars Schellhorn (Christian Kohlund), who has taken up the cause of the elderly after the passing of his wife, this group is known as "Silverbacks" - a band passionate about combatting the degradation of the senior population. "Bells on every door in the nursing home" sounds like a beneficial start to them, according to Schellhorn.

Screenwriter Timo Berndt ("The Corpses of Lake Constance") wants to incorporate social relevance into his TV crime show with this episode. Taking on topics like the aging of society and controversies around euthanasia, the series continues to deliver its trademark slapstick humor. Wachow is not entirely convinced about the idea of opening a senior citizens' home, and the same goes for her gun-toting partner. Neither of them wants to face the unfortunate reality of their own aging process just yet. Like many of us, they prefer to keep this disturbing subject at arm's length.

Read also:

  1. Despite the captivating TV thriller "A Sturdy Team" airing on ZDF at 8:15 pm every Saturday, Florian Martens prefers to focus on his plan to establish a seniors' home in Berlin.
  2. Germane to the current nursing crisis in Germany, the TV series "A Sturdy Team" raises troubling questions about society's aging population and the subsequent healthcare challenges.
  3. In a bid to incorporate social relevance into his TV crime show, Timo Berndt, the screenwriter, tackles topics like the aging of society and controversies surrounding euthanasia.
  4. The latest episode of "A Dedicated Group of Caretakers," a German TV thriller, delves into the nursing home crisis and features a group of passionate individuals known as "Silverbacks."
  5. Among the suspects in the "A Dedicated Group of Caretakers" case is Charlotte's shifty friend Jan Marxen, who, along with his associates, promotes combatting the degradation of the elderly population.
  6. The demented woman who calmly roams the corridors of the nursing home in the TV thriller "Abandoned Soul" adds an eerie atmosphere to the story, while Detective Otto Garber investigates the mysterious death of a caretaker.
  7. On June 8, ZDF will air an episode of the TV thriller "A Sturdy Team," which explores the nursing crisis and elements of societal aging, further raising awareness and sparking conversations about the topic.

