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1300 euros above the estimated value: dealers engage in a thrilling bidding duel for a necklace

When two people argue, the seller is happy: on "Bares für Rares", a necklace with a ring attracted generous bids. In the end, the expert opinion was far exceeded.

Susanne Steiger and Julian Schmitz-Avila engage in a thrilling bidding war for a necklace with a...
Susanne Steiger and Julian Schmitz-Avila engage in a thrilling bidding war for a necklace with a ring on "Bares für Rares"

"Bares for Rares" - 1300 euros above the estimated value: dealers engage in a thrilling bidding duel for a necklace

Your jewelry makes no sense in the drawer, finds Dorothea Schomber. To be precise, it is jewelry that once belonged to her grandmother and that the 59-year-old physiotherapist from Grevenbroich received at her wedding. Now she wants to sell it at "Bares für Rares".

As Patrick Lessmann explains, it is a necklace and a ring that belong together and have the same design: The material is gold and platinum, they are set with turmalines and diamonds. The expert dates the origin to the 1950s. The jewelry is in a fantastic condition and shows no flaws.

"Bares für Rares": The expertise falls unfavorably

Schomber wishes 3500 Euro for her jewelry. This value Lessmann adjusts slightly downward. The material value alone amounts to 2500 Euro, but he assesses the overall value at 2500 to 3000 Euro.

Dorothea Schomber wants to try her luck in the dealer's room. A smart decision: The auction runs much better than expected. This is also due to the auctioneer. Deliberately, she places the jewelry box with Susanne Steiger - who is immediately fired up. Julian Schmitz-Avila is also heavily interested.

Steiger bids 3000 Euro right from the start, thus reaching the upper limit of the estimated value. But it gets even better: Schmitz-Avila also throws his hat in the ring, both of them outbid each other with their bids, and the hammer falls at 4300 Euro. Susanne Steiger purchases the jewelry for this sum.

"When the dealers started, it was clear to me with the first bid that it was running," says the happy seller afterwards.

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Dorothea Schomber meets with expert Patrick Lessmann to discuss the estimated value of her grandmother's jewelry, which includes a necklace and ring set made of gold and platinum with turmalines and diamonds, dated to the 1950s. Lessermann believes the material value is around 2500 Euro, but the overall value is between 2500 to 3000 Euro.

At "Bares für Rares", Susanne Steiger and Julian Schmitz-Avila show interest in Dorothea's jewelry, with Steiger placing the opening bid at 3000 Euro, reaching the upper limit of the estimated value. However, Schmitz-Avila also enters the bidding war, outbidding each other, and the final hammer price reaches 4300 Euro, with Steiger purchasing the jewelry.

Grevenbroich native Dorothea Schomber is thrilled with the unexpected auction outcome, as experts and dealers like Steiger and Schmitz-Avila are heavily interested in her grandmother's jewelry from the 1950s. She significantly surpasses her initial asking price of 3500 Euro.

Julian Schmitz-Avila is known for his deep pockets, as he goes all out to secure a desirable bracelet, showcasing his passion for rare and valuable jewelry, much like Susanne Steiger.

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