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100 times "Traumschiff" - and a first time

The "Traumschiff" is embarking on its 100th voyage - and ZDF is really letting it rip in the anniversary episode on New Year's Day. Something happens that has never happened before.

Captain Max Parger (Florian Silbereisen, center) brings Veronika Bruckner (Wanda Perdelwitz)
Captain Max Parger (Florian Silbereisen, center) brings Veronika Bruckner (Wanda Perdelwitz) on board to the surprise of his staff captain Martin Grimm (Daniel Morgenroth, right).

TV tip - 100 times "Traumschiff" - and a first time

Wolfgang Rademann, creator of the ZDF"Traumschiff", once had a vision: if the captain of the luxury liner was no longer a gray eminence, but a little younger, then you could "do something with the women," he once said. Almost eight years after his death, the time has come - in the 100th episode of all things: the captain has sex.

In a scene that is remarkable by "Traumschiff" standards, Captain Max Parger (Florian Silbereisen) receives his vacation flirt Veronika (Wanda Perdelwitz) in his cabin, unbelievably lightly clothed, in the episode scheduled for New Year's Day (January 1, 8.15 pm). "I'm practically still naked," he warns. And they actually want to go out for dinner. But Veronika doesn't let that stop her: "I'll start with dessert."

Start with dessert? On the "Traumschiff", where the sparkler-decorated dessert traditionally marks the end of the episode? So for the 100th voyage, ZDF is really letting it rip on the "Traumschiff".

The anniversary voyage takes them to Nusantara, which is apparently such a paradise that it's not just the captain's hormones that are going crazy. We also see a lot more of cruise director Oskar Schifferle (Harald Schmidt), who is celebrating his 100th voyage on behalf of the ZDF cult format. He celebrates a comparatively passionate reunion - even by "Traumschiff" standards - with his colleague and love-hate Katja Keller (Carin C. Tietze). "Have you ever tangoed in his arms?" Katja explains to the other astonished colleagues how she and Oskar got to this point.

Surprisingly, the hormonal frenzy leaves Hanna Liebhold (Barbara Wussow) and staff captain Martin Grimm (Daniel Morgenroth), of all people, completely unscathed, as they had already snogged a few episodes ago and could actually be much more than just good friends. However, the two of them are also quite busy keeping a critical eye on the budding love between Hanna's mother Monika (Daniela Ziegler) and Martin's uncle Eduard (Walter Kreye).

And perhaps that's a good thing, because - and this is also new on "Traumschiff" - two of the love stories don't end well. The fact that Oliver Pocher of all people, whose separation from wife Amira (also seen in a guest role) is currently making headlines almost daily, plays a role in this adds a very topical tragicomic side to the whole thing.

The two Pochers join an illustrious selection of guests who have already appeared in 100 episodes of "Traumschiff": Siegfried & Roy, for example, Linda Evans or "Dallas" villain Larry Hagman.

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