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Nagelsmann verspricht, das Stürmerproblem des DFB zu lösen.

Füllkrug verweilt widerwillig.

Kai Havertz ist die Nummer eins in der DFB-Sturmreihe.
Kai Havertz ist die Nummer eins in der DFB-Sturmreihe.

Nagelsmann verspricht, das Stürmerproblem des DFB zu lösen.

Niclas Füllkrug is unfazed by the rumors surrounding his health and is confident in his readiness for the EURO. Although he won't be a starting player for the DFB team at first, he is eager to take on his role. Füllkrug also touches upon the topic of Kai Havertz and goalkeeper Manuel Neuer.

Concerning Kai Havertz, he has currently secured a position in the German striker competition. However, his competitor Niclas Füllkrug is always prepared to play. In an interview at the EURO headquarters in Herzogenaurach, Füllkrug stated, "It's very rare for the first team to play throughout the entire tournament." The German team will face Scotland on Friday (9 p.m., ZDF, MagentaTV, and live on ntv.de) in Munich.

Füllkrug believes having two distinct striker types is advantageous for national coach Julian Nagelsmann. "It's unusual for teams to face our offense. It's a remarkably high level," said the center forward. Füllkrug has accepted his designated role as a substitute, as he told Nagelsmann, "I'm more in an employee relationship. The coach carries the greater weight." Füllkrug scored 11 goals in 16 international games despite being a substitute.

Nagelsmann initially favored the more prolific Havertz as the primary striker. Füllkrug said, "Havertz has my full support. I want him to become a goal-scoring machine. Because this benefits our country and nation." Füllkrug trusts that he can still contribute to the team even after a substitution. "I've had several impressive substitute performances in my career. I often show that I don't need much time when coming on as a substitute," stated the Dortmund striker, who is always seeking playing time. It could happen "at any moment that I'm needed."

Uncertainty about his fitness, Füllkrug found the claims about his knee to be surprising over the weekend. "I'm in good shape, I don't know where that came from," shared the striker from Borussia Dortmund. "At 31, there could be problems." However, there is no reason for concern.

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