- Die künstliche Intelligenz von Baden-Württemberg wird in Zukunft E-Radfahrern zur Seite stehen. Auf der Eurobike-Messe in Frankfurt präsentierte die Technologiefirma Bosch ihre AI-Lösung "Range Control," die die Planung von Touren mit einem E-Rad vereinfacht.
- Das Navigationssoftware von Reutlingen, einer Stadt im Bundesland Baden-Württemberg, ist in Boschs AI-Lösung für E-Räder integriert.
- Bosch, eine bekannte Technologiegesellschaft aus Hessen, Deutschland, arbeitete mit TRP und Shimano zusammen, um neue elektrische Verschaltungssysteme für E-Räder zu entwickeln.
- Auf der Eurobike-Messe in Frankfurt am Main präsentierte Bosch seine Kommitmentment für E-Radtechnologie, einschließlich seiner AI-Lösung und neuen Verschaltungssystemen.
- Claus Fleischer, der Geschäftsführer von Bosch eBike Systems, einer Tochtergesellschaft aus Deutschland, äußerte seine Überzeugung für die Zukunft der E-Räder und ihre Rolle bei der Förderung aktiver Mobilität.
- Hersteller wie Centurion, Cresta, Flyer, Gazelle, Kalkhoff, Kettler, KTM, Riese & Müller und Velo de Ville setzen auf Komponenten von Bosch für E-Räder, einschließlich Motoren, Akkus und Software für netzwerkfähige Räder.
- Die Sicherheit im Verkehr ist ebenfalls ein Vorteil der AI in E-Rädern, denn Boschs AI-Lösung kann optimale Routen vorschlagen, basierend auf Straßentypen, Bodenarten und Steigungen, was den Ride für E-Radfahrer bequemer und sicherer macht.
Fahrradmesse - Bosch bringt künstliche Intelligenz in E-Bikes
(Translation:Artificial Intelligence from Baden-Württemberg will support E-Bike owners in the future. At the Eurobike fair in Frankfurt, technology company Bosch presented its AI solution "Range Control," which simplifies planning tours with an E-Bike.
The navigation software from Reutlingen calculates the expected battery level at the destination, taking into account various parameters such as system weight, route elevation profile, and individual riding behavior. Since the AI learns from live data, the predictions become more accurate over time.
Riders can also specify at the beginning of the tour the minimum battery level they want to reach at the destination. In this case, the system regulates the electric motor dynamically and adjusts motor assistance as needed.
With AI
AI will also help in route planning. The system learns, for example, over time which road types, ground types, or inclines are preferred and at what speed they are driven and suggests a corresponding route.
At the fair in Frankfurt, Bosch also presented new electric shifting systems developed in collaboration with TRP and Shimano. In the future, the E-Bike can switch automatically at the rider's request. Inexperienced E-Bike riders may feel uncertain when selecting the right gear and can focus solely on riding and traffic with the automatic shifting.
"E-Biking becomes more comfortable, personalized, and also safer," said Claus Fleischer, the business leader of Bosch eBike Systems, to the German Press Agency. Bosch's daughter company is one of the largest suppliers for E-Bike components such as motors, batteries, and software for networked wheels and supplies bicycle manufacturers like Centurion, Cresta, Flyer, Gazelle, Kalkhoff, Kettler, KTM, Riese & Müller, and Velo de Ville.
Impulses from Politics
Fleischer told the German Press Agency that the demand for E-Bikes was "still good." "But it was also better at one point." The industry is facing a "headwind from politics." This refers, among other things, to the "timidity in bicycle infrastructure and the expansion of bike lanes." Fleischer emphasized that politics must recognize that bicycles and E-Bikes are "an excellent alternative for urban mobility, but also for leisure activities for people." "Everyone who rides a bike is moving actively.")