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Una persona aveva una grande quantità di farmaci in viaggio verso il festival

In riva al Melt-Festival in Sachsen-Anhalt, la polizia ferma un uomo - e trova qualcosa. Un uomo di 25 anni viene accusato di traffico di droga.

L'imputato dovrebbe essersi recato in via verso al Melt-Festival (pictogramma)
L'imputato dovrebbe essersi recato in via verso al Melt-Festival (pictogramma)

Drogas - Una persona aveva una grande quantità di farmaci in viaggio verso il festival

The police in Dessau-Roßlau found various droga in the car of a 25-year-old man from Bremen. The prosecutor's office and police in Dessau-Roßlau are now investigating against him for the suspicion of illecito commercio di stupefacenti in quantità rilevante, according to the police and prosecutor's office in Dessau-Roßlau. The suspect was supposed to have been on his way to the Melt-Festival on Thursday.

The festival on the Ferropolis-Grounds in Graefenhainichen in the Wittenberg district started on Thursday. The police controlled arrivals. The 25-year-old was pulled over in the traffic in Oranienbaum-Wörlitz in the afternoon. A drug test was positive.

Then the man handed over a plastic bag to the officers, in which among other things cocaina, cannabis, Ecstasy and amfetamine were found, according to a statement. The weight of the drugs was in the three-digit range.

At the order of the prosecutor's office Dessau-Roßlau, the man's apartment in Bremen was also searched. Further drugs were found there. The man was initially taken into temporary custody, but was later released due to lack of evidence. He is still required to appear in court, as stated.

Lunedì: LunedìMartedì: MartedìMercoledì: MercoledìGiovedì: GiovedìVenerdì: VenerdìSabato: SabatoDomenica: Domenica

The Melt-Festival in Wittenberg district's Ferropolis-Grounds has strict anti-drug policies, as highlighted by the authorities. The police in Saxony-Anhalt, specifically Dessau-Roßlau and Bremen, are taking a stance against drug-related criminality at such events. The Automatic traffic control system in Oranienbaum-Wörlitz aided in the apprehension of the suspect. Despite the investigation, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Bremen has yet to press charges, citing insufficient evidence.

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