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Ulteriore controversia sul trattato statale con le associazioni musulmane

Nel 2012, la città di Amburgo conclude dei trattati statali con le associazioni musulmane. Dieci anni dopo, devono essere valutati. Ora è successo. Le opinioni sulla valutazione sono diverse.

I trattati di stato della città di Amburgo con le associazioni musulmane e la comunità alevita sono...
I trattati di stato della città di Amburgo con le associazioni musulmane e la comunità alevita sono oggetto di dibattito nel parlamento cittadino (

Cittadinanza - Ulteriore controversia sul trattato statale con le associazioni musulmane

The treaties of the city of Hamburg with Muslim associations and the Alevi community continue to generate controversy among the population. While the SPD and Green government factions advocate for an intensification of dialogue with religious communities based on existing treaties, the CDU has filed a motion for this Wednesday's session to suspend the agreement with the Schura - the Islamic Community Council in Hamburg, the Ditib-North Regional Association, and the Association of Islamic Cultural Centers.

Hamburg was the first federal state to sign treaties with the Alevi community and Muslim associations in 2012, regulating the foundations of coexistence, similar to those with Christian churches and the Jewish community.

Ten years later, these treaties were supposed to be evaluated. Now, the citizenry is presented with the report of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, which had heard representatives of all parties and experts in the past few months. SPD and Greens, as well as the CDU, have submitted additional motions.

Red-Green wants to intensify dialogue with Muslim associations

For Ekkehard Wysocki, the religious policy spokesperson for the SPD fraction, the evaluation result is clear: "Islamic and Alevi religious communities' treaties with Hamburg have brought concrete successes. Religious education for all, intensive cooperation for the prevention of religious extremism, or even Imam training in Germany – these projects are important examples of how good communication and binding exchange benefit Hamburg and the religious communities." This approach should be continued and efforts intensified.

In the past two years, the unlimited treaties have been intensively discussed, and many positive aspects, but also weaknesses, have been identified. "In light of this, we demand that the Senate, with our supplementary motion, deepen and strengthen the engagement against antisemitism, Islamism, homophobia, and anti-Muslim racism with the religious communities," said Michael Gwosdz, the religious expert for the Greens. This is also an important concern given the recent developments and tensions following the Hamas raid on Israel. In the future, evaluations should be conducted every ten years.

CDU demands independent evaluation

The CDU is not satisfied with this. "We demand a genuine evaluation of Hamburg's treaty with Muslim associations," said Dennis Thering of the dpa, the CDU fraction leader. This evaluation should be carried out by an independent scientific commission. "The question is whether all contracting parties have truly internalized and lived up to the values of human dignity, fundamental rights, and tolerance as stipulated in Article 2." The answer is disappointing.

"The events of the past few years have shown that some contracting parties have not only disregarded these values but have also actively worked against them," said Thering and cited the lack of clear distinction of the Schura from extremist groups and the connection of the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) with the Iranian regime as examples. The IZH, which has been under observation by the Constitutional Protection Agency and classified as extremist, left the Schura at the end of 2022 due to the impending evaluation of the treaties and high political pressure.

It's time for consequences, said Thering. "We can and must no longer maintain contracts with partners who do not clearly distance themselves from violence and extremism. And as a civil society, we must send a clear signal that the values of our constitution are not negotiable. Hamburg must be a city where tolerance and respect are not just empty words, but lived reality."

The SPD and Society, led by Ekkehard Wysocki, have seen success in Hamburg's treaties with religious communities, including Muslim associations and the Alevi community. They advocate for further dialogue and intensification of these relationships.

Despite the SPD and Green's push for continued dialogue, the CDU has raised concerns about the treaties, specifically with the Schura and other Muslim associations. They have called for an independent evaluation to ensure adherence to the values outlined in the State Treaty.

Hamburg's CDU fraction leader, Dennis Thering, has pointed to instances where some contracting parties have disregarded or acted against human dignity, fundamental rights, and tolerance as stipulated in the State Treaty. They believe it's time for consequences, calling for partnerships with those who clearly distance themselves from violence and extremism.

The city of Hamburg, as both a political entity and a society, is under pressure to demonstrate that its commitment to tolerance and respect is not just superficial, but truly embodied in its dealings with religious communities.

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