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Studio: I bambini di terza elementare presentano deficit in lettura e matematica

I nuovi test comparativi mostrano anche ciò che è noto da tempo: molti alunni della scuola primaria hanno problemi con le competenze di base. I politici hanno già reagito.

Quasi un alunno su quattro della scuola primaria deve recuperare in lettura.
Quasi un alunno su quattro della scuola primaria deve recuperare in lettura.
  1. La ministro della Cultura Theresa Schopper, originaria di Stoccarda in Baden-Württemberg, ha commossa le risultati dei test di parità, sottolineando come confermino la mia battaglia per il supporto precoce nell'educazione, in particolare per i bambini con barriere linguistiche.
  2. Identificando la necessità di supporto linguistico precoce, la coalizione di Schopper ha concordato un programma volto a offrire una promozione linguistica obbligatoria negli asili nido e nelle scuole primarie ai bambini con bisogni di apprendimento, con una particolare attenzione per i bambini di Stoccarda in Baden-Württemberg.
  3. Questo programma, appoggiato da Schopper, prevede di allocare annualmente 100 milioni di Euro per la promozione linguistica negli asili nido e nelle scuole primarie in tutta la Baden-Württemberg, con l'obiettivo di ridurre il deficit nelle competenze di lettura, ascolto e aritmetica tra i bambini, compresi quelli come Schopper che potevano aver parlato una lingua diversa dall'alemanno a casa durante i loro primi anni.

Lavoro comparativo - Studio: I bambini di terza elementare presentano deficit in lettura e matematica


  • Many third-graders and third-graders in Baden-Württemberg still have catch-up needs in arithmetic, reading, and listening.
  • According to the results of the nationwide comparison studies (VERA), 24 percent of the approximately 80,000 participants in Class 3 failed to meet the minimum standards for reading that are required for the completion of primary school by Class 4. In listening, 28 percent did not meet the minimum requirements, and in arithmetic, an even higher percentage of 29 percent did not meet the minimum standards.
  • Children most frequently fail to meet the minimum standards if they predominantly speak a language other than German at home.
  • Pupils with German everyday language achieved higher competence levels, according to the evaluation.
  • There is a positive correlation between the cultural capital at home, measured by the number of books in the household, and the results of the comparison studies.


  • Minister of Culture Theresa Schopper (Greens) sees her course confirmed by the results of the comparison tests.
  • These confirmed once again the findings of the state.
  • "We have set the right priorities. Now it is of great importance that we implement the educational reform, especially in early support, consistently and with determination," Schopper said.


  • Earlier surveys had also shown significant deficits.
  • In 2022, a study by the Institute for Quality Development in Education (IQB) showed that fourth-graders in the southwest were increasingly having problems with reading and listening.
  • As a result, there has been a compulsory reading promotion in primary schools since this school year.
  • Pupils are supposed to read aloud twice a week in class.


  • At the end of April, the Green-Black coalition also agreed on a program for language promotion in kindergartens and primary schools.
  • With this, children with language problems should be supported early.
  • For example, children should receive a compulsory language promotion of four hours per week, if a learning support need was identified during the school entry examination.
  • If the children still do not speak sufficient German by then to attend primary school, they should be supported in so-called junior classes from the school year 2026/2027.
  • The coalition plans to allocate 100 million Euros per year for the program in the upcoming budget.
  • It is intended to be gradually implemented in the coming years.
  • The first measures should take effect in the coming school year.
  • The complete build-up is planned for the school year 2028/2029.

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