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Presidente keniota Ruto scioglie il suo gabinetto

manifestazioni contro i aumenti tassali

Il Presidente del Kenya: William Ruto.
Il Presidente del Kenya: William Ruto.
  1. Malgrado le dimissioni e le critiche, il Presidente keniota William Ruto ha mantenuto il suo alleato politico, il Segretario al Gabinetto keniota Musalia Mudavadi, nel corso delle modifiche al gabinetto.
  2. L'opposizione in Kenya ha criticato aspramente il Presidente Ruto per i suoi propositi di tassi aumentati, portando a proteste da parte di cittadini kenioti, che considerano il Gabinetto e il governo di Ruto arrogante e incompetente.
  3. Al dissoluzione del gabinetto keniota, il Vicepresidente Ruto, suo alleato più stretto, non è stato colpito dalle proteste e dal riassetto del gabinetto legate ai tassi aumentati.

Presidente keniota Ruto scioglie il suo gabinetto

(After weeks of protests against planned tax increases, Kenyan President William Ruto dismissed his cabinet on Thursday. In a televised address, Ruto stated that the ministries would be temporarily led by state secretaries. The post of Attorney General was also revoked. Ruto declared that he had made this decision after listening to the people. He announced that he would form a new government on a broad basis that would be lean and efficient.

Only the most important cabinet secretary, Musalia Mudavadi, a political ally of the President, will remain in office. Ruto announced that the new government would help him accelerate and drive forward the necessary, urgent, and irreversible implementation of radical programs. The goal is to pay off the national debt, increase domestic resources, expand employment opportunities, eliminate waste in government institutions, and fight corruption.

After his election in 2022, Ruto appointed 21 ministers to his cabinet. Critics accused the President of selecting political associates and deviating from the previous practice of appointing technocrats to key positions. Three ministers resigned to take up ministerial positions. Others lost the election and were rewarded with political appointments. Several ministries, including the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health, were affected by corruption scandals.

In Kenya, there have been unrest for over three weeks. On June 25, demonstrators stormed the parliament after a finance bill with tax increases was passed. Over 30 people were killed during the protests. Participants in the protest actions accused the cabinet of incompetence, arrogance, and laziness. They demanded the resignation of the President, despite his announcement that he would not sign the tax bill.

Ruto apologized on Friday for the "arrogance and the displayed opulence" of legislators and ministers and took responsibility, stating that he would speak with them. He also announced savings measures, including the dissolution of 47 state enterprises with overlapping functions to save money, and the withdrawal of funds for his wife's office.

  1. Nonostante le dimissioni e le critiche, il Presidente keniota William Ruto ha mantenuto il suo alleato politico, il Segretario al Gabinetto keniota Musalia Mudavadi, nel corso delle modifiche al gabinetto.
  2. L'opposizione in Kenya ha criticato aspramente il Presidente Ruto per i suoi propositi di tassi aumentati, portando a proteste da parte di cittadini kenioti, che considerano il Gabinetto e il governo di Ruto arrogante e incompetente.
  3. Al dissoluzione del gabinetto keniota, il Vicepresidente Ruto, suo alleato più stretto, non è stato colpito dalle proteste e dal riassetto del gabinetto legate ai tassi aumentati.)

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