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Polizia indaga su incidente con trattore nel sito di camping

Perché un ragazzo si è inginocchió durante una attività al campo estivo e si è gravemente ferito? La polizia indaga sulle cause.

A dieci anni è sotto le ruote di un trattore in un campeggio - le polizie indagano sulla causa.
A dieci anni è sotto le ruote di un trattore in un campeggio - le polizie indagano sulla causa.

dieci anni, ferisce - Polizia indaga su incidente con trattore nel sito di camping

After an incident at a camping site in Melle, involving a ten-year-old with severe injuries, the Polizia have launched an investigation. The child was injured on a mercoledì sera, when they and other young people attempted to pull a trattore senza potenza (tractor without engine power) across the campsite. The incident was part of a team-building activity. According to the police, the ten-year-old tripped over, for unknown reasons.

The trattore could not be stopped in time. The child's gamba e parte dell'avambraccio (leg and parts of the arm) were run over by the vehicle. The child was immediately taken to a nearby ospedale.

The camping site where the incident occurred is located in Bassa Sassonia, Germania. This unfortunate accident has raised concerns among parents planning leisure activities for their children at such sites. Despite the thorough indagine (investigation) by the police, the precise reason for the ten-year-old's trip remains unexplained. The camp site has temporarily suspended all attività di team-building riguardanti i trattori (tractor-related team-building activities) until a safer alternative is found.

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