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Per la prima volta, dibattimento al Landtag con il Ministro-Presidente Schweitzer

Alcune legge sono oggetto di dibattito nel parlamento. Malu Dreyer non è presente nella sessione del parlamento statale più.

La legislazione è al centro dei dibattiti nel landtag di Magonza.
La legislazione è al centro dei dibattiti nel landtag di Magonza.

Parlamento Statale - Per la prima volta, dibattimento al Landtag con il Ministro-Presidente Schweitzer

The Rhineland-Palatinate Landtag meets in Mainz today at 9.30 with the new Minister-President Alexander Schweitzer (SPD). The parliament will deal with several bills today. Among other things, it concerns the planned State Office for Fire and Disaster Protection, as well as the legal measures for deportations. Schweitzer was elected as successor of Malu Dreyer (SPD) as head of government on Wednesday.

After the flood disaster on the Ahr, a new population protection control center is gradually coming online at the end of the summer. It will be the heart of the newly created State Office for Fire and Disaster Protection. A state law is needed to provide the organizational basis for this.

The Federal Government determined at the beginning of the year with the Return Improvement Law that from August, the Amtsgerichte are responsible for ordering searches for deportations. The states have the option of assigning this responsibility to the administrative courts. Rhineland-Palatinate intends to anchor this in a corresponding state law.

Debates are expected on Thursday about the planned state law on animal health, which is necessary due to a new federal law. The state government does not exclude that the contributions to the animal disease fund could increase as a result. Other topics are the further development of the University of Mainz and changes in the Rhineland-Palatinate electoral districts.

The State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate convenes in Mainz today with the newly elected Minister-President Alexander Schwarz from the SPD, succeeding Malu Dreyer. The discourse in the parliament includes discussions about the upcoming State Office for Fire and Disaster Protection, which will include the new population protection control center in Mainz, as per the state law. The Rhineland-Palatinate government is also deliberating on a corresponding state law to delegate the responsibility for ordering searches for deportations from Amtsgerichte to administrative courts, as per the Federal Government's Return Improvement Law.

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