- Non passa giorno: la rotta Bonifatius esiste da 20 anni
Dai vigneti del Rheingau, attraverso i campi della Wetterau e le montagne e le valli del Vogelsberg, il Cammino di Bonifacio ha guidato escursionisti e pellegrini nella regione di Fulda per 20 anni. "Non è stata un'operazione frettolosa", si rallegra Michael Friedrich, uno dei fondatori del progetto, riguardo al successo del percorso.
Il cammino è stato inaugurato nel 2004 in occasione del 1250º anniversario della morte di San Bonifacio e collega le due città cattedrali di Magonza e Fulda, entrambe strettamente legate all'opera dell'apostolo. "È sia un pellegrinaggio che un sentiero escursionistico. Entrambi i gruppi ne hanno per i loro soldi", dice Friedrich, vicepresidente dell'associazione Bonifatius-Route.
Non è necessario approcciare il percorso con una pretesa religiosa. "Ma credo che qualcuno che non ha alcuna finestra per qualsiasi esperienza spirituale o religiosa cercherà qualcos'altro - magari una traversata alpina, qualche alta via, o il Rheinsteig, per esempio. Ma è davvero entrambi."
Un escursionista medio impiega da 10 a 14 giorni per il percorso di 180 chilometri. Tuttavia, non c'è problema nel percorrerlo a tappe come escursione giornaliera o nell'utilizzarlo come passeggiata rilassante.
"You shouldn't assume that the Bonifatius Route was the original route of the funeral procession, because that's not documented", explains Friedrich. "But if you take a corridor of perhaps ten kilometers to the left or right of the route, the probability is high that you're moving near the historical route." Like the famous Camino de Santiago in Spain, there are also pilgrim stamps and certificates on the Bonifatius Route.
Highlights of the Bonifatius Way
In the opinion of the route expert, the two cathedral cities at the beginning and end are the highlights of the route. "Besides, I'd certainly count Kloster Engelthal near Altenstadt and the area around Hosenfeld, where the route leaves the Vogelsberg and opens up to the Fulda region," he says. "The most physically challenging section is the one in the Vogelsberg. There, it can get quite steep."
Thematic routes like the Bonifatius Route highlight the rich cultural heritage of the state, according to Herbert Lang, director of Hessen Tourismus. "On the Bonifatius Route, nature, culture, and history can be actively experienced in motion," explains Lang.
Hiking strengthens environmental awareness
Other routes make the beauty of nature tangible and have been tested and certified by official bodies, he adds. "The hiking trails are an important part of the tourist infrastructure in Hessen. Hiking has been a very popular holiday activity in Hessen for years and also contributes to environmental education," emphasizes Lang.
Hiking promotes conscious experience of nature and strengthens environmental awareness. "A growing environmental awareness of our guests is important because it has a positive impact on the sustainable tourism development of Hessen", he explains.
The Bonifatius Way, which has been in operation for 20 years, was officially inaugurated in 2004 to commemorate the 1250th anniversary of Saint Boniface's death. The following is added: This enhanced route now includes a system of pilgrim stamps and certificates, similar to those found on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.