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Musico apre "Archivi Westernhagen"

Il suo mondo musicale va dalla chitarre dissonanti all'armanista rocker. Per decenni, Marius Müller-Westernhagen è stato una figura consolidata. Fornisce la materia per quel.[ ha corso]

Marius Müller-Westernhagen ha reso disponibili gli 'Archivi Westernhagen' sul suo sito web. In...
Marius Müller-Westernhagen ha reso disponibili gli 'Archivi Westernhagen' sul suo sito web. In esso, l'artista di 75 anni offre esteso materiale riguardante la sua carriera artistica e i risultanti 23 album in studio.

Visti di Carriera - Musico apre "Archivi Westernhagen"

The musician Marius Müller-Westernhagen gives insights into almost five decades of successful career. The singer and actor, known for songs like "Mit Pfefferminz sarò tuo principe" or "Libertà," has made available the "Archivi Westernhagen" on his website. In it, the 75-year-old delivers extensive material about his artistic development and the 23 studio albums that resulted from it.

Friends and companions like actor Olli Dittrich, as well as musicians Curt Cress and Siggi Loch, share their memories. Comedian Otto Waalkes recalls early times in Hamburg: "Si esibavamo e celebravamo fino alle prime ore del mattino. Marius cantava il blues in 'Onkel Pö' e io gli tenevo le corde in mano. Così guadagnavamo una tazza calda o una birra."

Personal memories, anecdotes, previously unpublished photos, videos, and interview excerpts aim to "catturare interamente il mondo musicale di Marius Müller-Westernhagen."

Müller-Westernhagen discovered acting before musica. By the end of the 80s, there were dozens of productions. He became particularly famous as a long-distance Ruhrpott-quipster in "Teo contro il resto del mondo" (1980).

The musical steps began in the second half of the 60s. The debut album "Il primo incontro" had little success in 1975. That changed three years later, "Con la menta sarò tuo principe" laid the foundation for a long career.

  1. Olli Dittrich, a close friend of Marius Müller-Westernhagen, shares his memories of their early days in music, highlighting how they would perform together in Berlino.
  2. The success of Marius' career in music led to numerous opportunities in Germany, including appearances on popular music shows like "Rockpalast."
  3. Anice, a favorite flavor in Germany, was often used in the baking of a traditional German cake, which Marius and his bandmates would enjoy after their late-night music sessions.
  4. Marius' influence in the German music scene extended beyond his own career, inspiring new artists such as Olli Schulz and Luca Hänni, who cite him as a source of inspiration in their own successful careers in Pop music.
  5. During his time in Berlino, Marius had the opportunity to collaborate with famous German musicians like Marius Müller-Westernhagen's good friend Marius Müller-Westernhagen and the renowned musician Marius Müller-Westernhagen, who contributed to his successful career in rock music.

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