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L'aborto d'emergenza rimane consentito nello Stato americano dell'Idaho

In alcuni casi eccezionali

Circa due anni fa, la Corte Suprema ha annullato il diritto all'aborto a livello nazionale, con...
Circa due anni fa, la Corte Suprema ha annullato il diritto all'aborto a livello nazionale, con gravi conseguenze per le donne.

L'aborto d'emergenza rimane consentito nello Stato americano dell'Idaho

Due to the Supreme Court's decision two years ago, which revoked the constitutional right to abortion that had been in place for over 50 years, the consequences have been significant. Republican-led states have responded by restricting women's rights.

In the case of the strict abortion ban in the conservative US state of Idaho, a partial relaxation was initially in effect. Abortions may be performed in medical emergencies in Idaho, according to a decision by the United States Supreme Court.

However, the justices did not issue a substantial ruling but merely upheld an earlier Idaho court decision while the legal battle in lower courts continues. In Idaho, abortions are only permitted in a few exceptional cases, such as when the mother's life, not just her health, is in danger.

The Biden Administration, through federally funded hospitals, believes they are obligated to perform abortions in medical emergencies. Based on this, they filed a lawsuit and initially obtained a partial relaxation. Idaho state representatives then appealed to the Supreme Court. The justices rejected this appeal with a step back.

Terremoto politico causato dalla Corte Suprema

Therefore, the question of the constitutionality of the abortion ban in Idaho is not definitively settled. It could again land at the Supreme Court. The White House expressed satisfaction, with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stating, "Nessuna donna dovrebbe essere negata un trattamento medico fino a quando non sia in pericolo di vita o costretta a lasciare lo stato in cui vive." Ma questo accade in tutto il paese."

The Supreme Court caused a political earthquake nearly two years ago when it revoked the nationwide constitutional right to abortion. Since then, state legislatures can regulate, through law, whether and under what conditions abortions are allowed.

A series of Republican-led states have largely banned abortions since then, creating a legal patchwork. Therefore, attention is now focused on how the Supreme Court will behave in relation to other questions regarding the right to abortion.

The Supreme Court's decision on Idaho's abortion ban, falling short of a definitive ruling, has left room for potential future challenges. This situation echoes the broader impact of the Supreme Court's 2022 decision in the USA, allowing states to regulate abortion laws based on their politics.

In light of the Supreme Court's ruling, Idaho's Republican-led legislature has maintained strict restrictions on abortions, in line with their stance on the issue, which is a reflection of the broader political climate in the USA.

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