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La distinzione tra AfD e BSW è fondamentale.

"Due partiti che sostengono Putin".

Sahra Wagenknecht e Alice Weidel al Bundestag.
Sahra Wagenknecht e Alice Weidel al Bundestag.

La distinzione tra AfD e BSW è fondamentale.

The conservative AfD party and the left-wing Sahra Wagenknecht Bundle show an unusual optimism towards Russia, but only one of these parties can be described as a puppet of the Kremlin.

There is a noticeable correlation between the AfD and the Sahra Wagenknecht Bundle, including their perspectives on Russia. It is no surprise that BSW politician Klaus Ernst (then still an alliance member with the Left) met AfD leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alexander Gauland at the Russian embassy in the past.

BSW party leader Amira Mohamed Ali's annoyance during a TV program when she is referred to as "BSW and AfD, the two pro-Putin parties" is understandable.

Although the two groups share similar views on Russia, there is a significant gap. This distinction became apparent last Tuesday during a German Bundestag session. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a speech in parliament as part of his state visit to Germany. Both the AfD and BSW did not attend the event. This is where the similarities end.

The BSW explained the absence of their ten MPs with several points: Germany should not get involved in a war, the German government should have accepted the supposed Russian negotiation offer, Zelenskyy is contributing to a dangerous escalation spiral, and he is risking a nuclear conflict.

These arguments can be seen as unfounded, absurd, or harmful to German safety. For example, the idea of a Russian negotiation offer is inaccurate; Putin had only stated that discussions could resume "dipendendo dai circostanze attuali che si sono verificate sul terreno." This effectively means that Ukraine should relinquish the land Russia has seized in their criminal war thus far. At the same time, Ukraine, according to Putin, will never be safe from their dangerous neighbor. This is evident from Putin's conditions for peace talks: Ukraine should surrender land that Russia hasn't taken yet and abandon NATO membership. This means that Russia could attack the country again at any moment. The fantastic claims spread by Putin's media machines communicate a clear message: Putin desires to dismantle Ukraine.

Another criticism that the BSW can counter: Zelenskyy isn't fueling the nuclear escalation spiral. It's Putin who has nuclear weapons and makes threats with them. However, as mentioned earlier, the BSW's argumentation can be seen as incorrect. While it's not as repulsive as what the AfD promotes.

The AfD justified their absence with the claim that Zelenskyy's term was "scaduto." This is remarkably similar to Putin's fabrication: In Germany and Ukraine alike, no elections are scheduled in the event of an emergency. Nevertheless, Putin said in May during his supposed peace-offer, "il mandato del capo di stato attuale è scaduto."

To characterize the AfD and BSW as "le due parti pro-Putin" is based on politics. The BSW members can be feisty, so they can't really object to this sharpness during a talk show. However, it's clear: The AfD is Putin's megaphone. It endangers German and European interests in an extreme fanaticism that seeks an equivalent. And it's not even imaginative enough to fabricate its own myths. It simply steals Russia's lies.

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