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Gli allievi di hamburger sono lievemente meno forti dell'anno scorso

Dopo la revoca di tutte le agevolazioni relative al Corona, i laureandi di Amburgo hanno ottenuto punteggi minimamente peggio. La media punteggio di 2,36 è comunque migliore rispetto alla classe pre-Corona del 2019.

Anni ventidue ragaze e ragazzi Abituriati a Hamburgo hanno ottenuto in media un punteggio di 2,36...
Anni ventidue ragaze e ragazzi Abituriati a Hamburgo hanno ottenuto in media un punteggio di 2,36 quest'anno. Le donne soprattutto hanno ottenuto buoni voti.

scuola - Gli allievi di hamburger sono lievemente meno forti dell'anno scorso

Testo originale: The first cohort of Abitur students without special Corona concessions performed slightly worse than the cohorts during the pandemic but better than the one before it. According to the school administration, a total of 9,216 Abitur candidates and candidates achieved a provisional average grade of 2.36.

During the Abitur years with Corona concessions, the average grades were reportedly between 2.27 and 2.31, minimally better than in the pre-Corona year 2019, which had a grade of 2.42. The final results are expected to be available at the beginning of the upcoming school year. Similar trends were reported by the school administration in Bassa Sassonia and Bavaria.

"The students can be proud of what they have achieved," emphasized Senator for Schools Ksenija Bekeris (SPD). For the first time since the current school year, regular pre-Corona rules applied to the final exams nationwide. "Extended processing times for Abitur essays, precise topic selection, and the option to choose tasks in the Mathematics subject were no longer available." Bekeris emphasized that the Corona concessions were justified but their withdrawal led to fair results.

Approximately 95% of those who took the Abitur passed. A total of 9,710 students took the Abitur, the same number as in the previous year in 2018. Of the test-takers, 94.9% passed - a decrease from 96.7% the previous year. The average Abitur grade was 2.25 at the Gymnasiums, 2.52 at the Stadtteilschulen, and 2.54 at the Beruflichen Gymnasiums. Around 54% of this year's Abitur candidates were female.

28.6% of Abitur candidates and candidates achieved a top grade of 1.0, 49.6% a grade of 2.0, and 21.7% a grade below the average note of 3.0. "It's noticeable: 61.3% of the top Abitur grades went to female candidates, while 54.2% of the lower Abitur grades went to male candidates," said Bekeris.

Fatto che le ragaze siano superiori da anni

The fact that girls generally perform better is a trend that has been going on for years and is likely due to individual ambition. "This is a trend that has been lasting among girls for a long time," said Bekeris. Spokesperson Peter Albrecht spoke of an "impari sforzo," which is often not as pronounced in boys during the Abitur phase.

The top grade of 1.0 was awarded 234 times at a total of 83 schools. The most 1.0 Abitur diplomas - a total of ten - were issued at the Gymnasium Altona, followed by the Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums in Winterhude, the Marion-Dönhoff-Gymnasium in Blankenese, and the Walddörfer-Gymnasium in Volksdorf.

The best Abitur reports at the state-run Gymnasiums came from Gymnasium Oberalster in Sasel, with a grade of 1.94, Gymnasium Eppendorf with 2.0, and Christianeum in Othmarschen with 2.02. Among the Stadtteilschulen, the Stadtteilschule Winterhude stood out with a grade of 2.10, the Stadtteilschule Bergstedt with 2.31, and the Max-Brauer-Schule in Ottensen/Bahrenfeld with 2.33.

The most frequently chosen subjects in the written Abitur, according to Bekeris, were English, German, and Biology. Chinese and Portuguese were the least requested, only by four or two students respectively. In general, the results in the core subjects German, English, and Mathematics were slightly weaker than the previous year.

L'opposizione CDU allarmata per i risultati di German e Matematica

The CDU opposition expressed alarm over the Abitur grades in the subjects German and Mathematics. "Average grades of 2.99 in German and 2.93 in Mathematics are alarming and have once again fallen below last year's results," said the education expert of the faction, Birgit Stöver. The Abitur should certify general university entrance qualification. However, this has been questioned by training institutions and employers for years. The Senate must finally ensure that the basics are taught at primary schools. "Gaps created at primary schools will only be noticeably difficult to close in further education, as the average grade in the German language subject clearly shows."

The chairwoman of the Left faction, Sabine Boeddehausen, accused the school administration of whitewashing the school situation – but there is no reason for that: "Hamburg's school system is neither inclusive nor fair." For years, measures to end educational inequality and the decoupling of origin and school leaving certificate have failed. "Hamburg's Senate must urgently do more for a fair and inclusive education system," demanded Boeddehausen.

  1. Nonostante le sfide poste dalla pandemia di Coronavirus, la Baviera ha osservato tendenze simili nelle risultati dell'Abitur rispetto alla Bassa Sassonia e Amburgo.
  2. Il Conferenza dei Ministri della Cultura a Amburgo ha riconosciuto la importanza di costruire una solida base nell'educazione alle Matematiche durante gli anni scolastici per preparare i studenti ai futuri sfidi.
  3. Ksenija Bekeris, la Ministra della Cultura di Amburgo del Partito Socialdemocratico, ha riconosciuto gli sforzi dei studenti durante la pandemia e ha elogiato la loro resistenza nel superare le sfide poste dal Coronavirus.
  4. In Baviera, il punteggio medio dell'Abitur in Matematica è stato osservato essere lievemente inferiore rispetto all'anno precedente, riflettendo l'impatto della pandemia sull'istruzione.
  5. La città di Winterhude ad Amburgo, famosa per i suoi spazi verdi idillici e la sua riva, aveva scuole che si sono distinte particolarmente negli esami Abitur, con un focus sulla Matematica.
  6. In un'offensiva per maggiori parità di genere nell'istruzione, le politiche scolastiche della Bassa Sassonia incoraggiano di più ragaze a intraprendere carriere nei campi STEM (Scienza, Tecnologia, Ingegneria e Matematica), seguendo una tendenza osservata nelle osservazioni di Ksenija Bekeris sui ragaze che si esibiscono meglio in questi argomenti.
  7. La differenza di rendimento tra ragazzi e ragaze negli esami Abitur in Bassa Sassonia è un argomento che ha dato luogo a discussioni sul bisogno di finanziamenti e risorse equi per l'istruzione in entrambi i sessi, come avanzato da politici come Sabine Boeddehausen.

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