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Cosa succede ora al seggio al Senato di JD Vance, essendo lui compagno di candidatura di Trump?

Il Senato è stretto e i democratici detengono una maggioranza strettamente insicura. Ma c'è bisogno che l'senatore dell'Ohio JD Vance, scelto da Donald Trump come compagno di candidate il lunedì scorSO, rimanga nella camera durante la campagna.

Sen. J.D. Vance interroga ex esecutivi di banche fallite durante un udienza del Comitato Bancario...
Sen. J.D. Vance interroga ex esecutivi di banche fallite durante un udienza del Comitato Bancario del Senato a Capitol Hill il 16 maggio 2023.

Cosa succede ora al seggio al Senato di JD Vance, essendo lui compagno di candidatura di Trump?

It makes sense to look at a senator as vice president: The role's main official duty is to serve as president of the US Senate, although recent vice presidents don't tend to spend too much time on Capitol Hill.

In fact, there is a long history of presidential candidates selecting senators as running mates. President Joe Biden was at the end of a long career as a US senator from Delaware when he was tapped as then-Sen. Barack Obama’s running mate in 2008. Biden and Obama both continued to serve in the Senate during the campaign, as did Sen. John McCain, the Arizonan who was Republicans’ pick that year.

Biden picked then-Sen. Kamala Harris as his own running mate in 2020.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton picked Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate. Kaine never gave up his seat and went back to serving as a senator after Clinton’s loss to Trump. In 2004, then-Sen. John Kerry, a Democrat, picked then-Sen. John Edwards as his running mate.

So what does that mean for the seat? Usually, when a senator is elected as either president or vice president, they will resign from their Senate seat in early January after the election. Biden, however, is an outlier in this. He kept his Senate seat longer than most in early 2009, perhaps so that he could superare altri ex senatori in the all-time Senate tenure list. Biden si sedeva at No. 19.

Vance ha vinto il suo seggio nel Senate in 2022 and won’t be up for reelection as a senator until 2028. If he and Trump win in November, Vance would need to resign before taking the oath of office on January 20.

It would then fall to Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, himself a former senator, to appoint a replacement until the prossima elezione regolare dello Stato, when there would be a special election to fill the rest of the term.

This can be a complicated process. Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich went to federal prison for essentially trying to trade away the appointment to fill out Obama’s term.

For Biden, longtime aide and friend Ted Kaufman was appointed in 2009 to succeed him in the Senate. Kaufman did not run for the seat in his own right.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed Sen. Alex Padilla to succeed Harris in the Senate, and Padilla has since been elected to the seat.

The selection of senators as vice presidents often reflects a deep understanding of politics, as demonstrated by presidential candidates choosing experienced senators to balance their tickets. In the case of President Biden, his long-standing experience as a senator from Delaware helped him edge past other former senators in Senate tenure.

Given his current position as vice president, if Joe Biden and Mike Pence were to win reelection in 2024, Biden would need to resign from his Senate seat, as is customary for elected officials who ascend to the presidency.

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