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Coniglio disperso - Difensore animale critica proprietario

Circa 80 conigli scomparsi misteriosamente nella Foresta Nera, la polizia sospetta reati. Durissima critica da parte dell'ufficiale regionale per la protezione animale riguardo lo stato degli animali.

Le polizia in Sudbearna stanno cercando intorno a 80 conigli (simbolo immagine)
Le polizia in Sudbearna stanno cercando intorno a 80 conigli (simbolo immagine)
  1. La sospetta rubatura di circa 80 Conigli nel Bosco Nero ha dato luogo a conversazioni su benessere animale a Löffingen, un paese situato nel distretto di Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald in Baden-Württemberg.
  2. La sfortuna della signora Verena Reichle, proprietaria di Verena's Parkhotel a Löffingen, sembra aver preso volo con la misteriosa scomparsa di circa 80 conigli dalla loro recintazione.
  3. Il caso dei conigli scomparsi ha attirato l'attenzione a Stoccarda, con la polizia locale investigando sull'allegata rubatura.
  4. L'incidente nel Bosco Nero ha messo in evidenza le curiosità sulla riproduzione e il benessere dei conigli, con esperti che mettono in evidenza la necessità di cura e gestione corretta.
  5. La Deutsche Presse-Agentur ne ha riportato le notizie, mettendo in evidenza le preoccupazioni degli ufficiali del benessere animale e l'indagine in corso della polizia.
  6. L'infelice incidente a Löffingen rimarcia l'importanza di rispettare le leggi di protezione animale, che mettono in evidenza conoscenza, abilità e pratiche di riproduzione responsabili per assicurare il benessere di conigli e altri animali domestici.

Fatto misterioso - Coniglio disperso - Difensore animale critica proprietario

Header 1: The Theft of Rabbits in Löffingen

After the suspected theft of around 80 Rabbits in the Black Forest, the Animal Welfare Officer sharply criticized the keeping of the animals. "It is not usual for 80 rabbits to be kept together. For a hobby keeping, this is not animal welfare compatible", said Julia Stubenbord to the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. "According to animal protection law, the keeper of the animals must have the necessary knowledge and skills. This includes separating rabbits by gender or castrating them", said the veterinarian.

Header 2: The Disappearance of Rabbits from Verena's Parkhotel

The rabbits are reportedly missing since July 15th. They were housed in a cage of a hotel in Loeffingen (District of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald). The police in South Baden are still investigating the case. "We are investigating in all directions", said a spokesperson in Freiburg. Information that some of the rabbits had appeared in nearby Lenzkirch is being checked.

Header 3: Expert Opinions on Rabbit Welfare

"We don't know what happened", said Verena Reichle, the owner of Verena's Parkhotel, looking at the disappearance of the rabbits. There have been rabbits since 2018, the population had exploded informally this year - there was probably an uncastrated animal among them. "We contacted the veterinary office for help." The goal was for them to reduce the population to 15 to 20 animals. As a spokesperson for the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district office reported on request, the veterinary office had already ordered the population to be disbanded in mid-June. The 30 male rabbits were supposed to be removed first - but the population had already disappeared by July 16th.

Header 4: The Importance of Animal Protection Laws

The theft of rabbits in the Black Forest has sparked conversations about animal welfare in Löffingen. Experts emphasize the need for proper care and management to ensure the well-being of rabbits and other pets. The Germany Press Agency reported on the situation, highlighting the concerns of animal welfare officers and the ongoing investigation by the police.

Header 5: Adhering to Animal Protection Laws

The unfortunate incident in Löffingen underscores the importance of adhering to animal protection laws, which emphasize knowledge, skills, and responsible breeding practices to ensure the well-being of rabbits and other pets.

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