- Brad Pitt riceve aggiornamenti nonostante sia estraneo.
Pax Jolie-Pitt (20), figlio delle star di Hollywood Angelina Jolie (49) e Brad Pitt (60), è stato coinvolto in un grave incidente con la sua BMX-E-bike alla fine dello scorso mese. Il 20enne è stato quindi ricoverato e ha trascorso diversi giorni in terapia intensiva. Nonostante la loro presunta relazione tesa, Pitt avrebbe ricevuto regolarmente "aggiornamenti" sul recupero di Pax. Lo ha rivelato una fonte anonima alla rivista americana "People".
La relazione tesa di Brad Pitt con i suoi figli
"although he hasn't had any contact with Pax for years, he still cares deeply about him," the source told "People" about the 60-year-old actor. Pax was admitted to a hospital in Los Angeles on July 29. He was reportedly riding without a helmet on a busy street in his hometown when he collided with the back of a car at a red light, resulting in a head injury and hip pain.
"He suffered a complex trauma and is now beginning the long road to recovery and physical therapy," another source told "People". A third source added: "However, he was lucky. It could have been much worse, considering he wasn't wearing a helmet."
Angelina Jolie e Brad Pitt hanno sei figli insieme: i figli Maddox (23) e Pax, le figlie Zahara (19), Shiloh (18), e i gemelli Knox e Vivienne (16). Pitt avrebbe poco o nessun contatto con i suoi figli adulti e può vedere solo i più piccoli grazie a un accordo con Jolie. La loro divorzio, iniziato quasi otto anni fa quando Jolie ha presentato domanda nel 2016, non è ancora stato finalizzato.
"Despite the ongoing strained relationship, Brad Pitt expressed concern about his son Pax's serious accident, as he was hospitalized following a BMX-E-bike incident last month."
"In the aftermath of the accident, Brad Pitt, despite their estrangement, received regular updates on his son Pax's recovery and progress in the intensive care unit."