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Autobus non climatizzato - cinque ragazzi scout in clinica

Un gruppo scout è in viaggio sul bus, inside Diventa molto caldo. Alcuni ragazzi sentono diabete. Segue una operazione di soccorso.

Alcuni Esploratori sono stati portati in ospedale dopo un viaggio in autobus sovrascaldato.
Alcuni Esploratori sono stati portati in ospedale dopo un viaggio in autobus sovrascaldato.

operazione di soccorso - Autobus non climatizzato - cinque ragazzi scout in clinica

After a ride in a bus with an overheated interior, a group of five Scouts from Oberfranken were taken to the hospital. The climate control system in the bus was not turned on for unknown reasons, according to a spokesperson from the Lichtenfels Police Station. Therefore, a operazione di soccorso was necessary in Rothmannsthal, in the Lichtenfels district.

The Scouts were reportedly between 12 and 15 years old. Some of them complained of dizziness, the spokesperson said. The severity of the injuries is still unclear. There is a suspicion of gravi ictus caldo. The Procura Fiscale has commissioned an expert to examine the bus.

The hiking group had planned an expedition in the scenic Upper Franconia region of Bavaria. Despite the incident, their leisure activities in Lichtenfels were disrupted. The operazione di soccorso in Rothmannsthal added traffic congestion to the already chaotic situation.

The emergency services were working diligently to ensure the Scouts' health was stabilized. The youths were grateful for the swift response, given the potential severity of their conditions due to the intense heat exposure. The incident served as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety, especially during summer leisure activities in Germany.

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