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Le groupe menant la stratégie de marketing numérique de Harris a l'intention d'utiliser le réseau...
Le groupe menant la stratégie de marketing numérique de Harris a l'intention d'utiliser le réseau Swiftie pour mobiliser le soutien en faveur de l'élection.

Swifty prévoit de réunir 145 000 $ pour soutenir Harris.

Taylor Swift continue de garder le silence sur l'élection présidentielle américaine à venir, mais ses fans, surnommés les Swifties, font entendre leur opinion. Ils soutiennent la candidate démocrate Kamala Harris, s'engagent dans l'activation en ligne, la collecte de fonds et la vente de marchandises de campagne.

Peu de temps après que le président Joe Biden a annoncé son soutien à Harris en tant que successeur en juillet, un fan de Swift nommé Emerald Medrano a lancé une campagne sur les réseaux sociaux appelée "Swifties pour Kamala". Le groupe compte maintenant plus de 75 000 supporters sur X et près de 50 000 sur Instagram.

Bien que Swift ne soit pas activement impliquée dans le groupe de campagne, il s'agit d'un rassemblement de fans qui partagent à la fois leur amour pour Swift et des vues politiques progressistes. Selon leur site Web, le groupe vise à "convertir l'influence des Swifties en influence politique" en soutenant des candidats progressistes comme Harris dans les élections locales et nationales.

"Swiftie influence into political influence"

Le groupe milite pour les droits des minorités sexuelles, la liberté de reproduction, les droits des immigrants, l'action climatique et une paix durable entre Israël et Hamas à Gaza. Jusqu'à vendredi, "Swifties pour Kamala" avait recueilli 145 000 dollars (environ 130 000 euros) pour la campagne présidentielle de Harris. During the launch event, fans aimed to "turn our Swiftie influence into political influence", with around 27,000 viewers tuning in and notable guests like Senator Elizabeth Warren and legendary singer-songwriter Carole King.

King, famous for songs like "You've Got A Friend", announced she was a Swiftie and personally knew Swift. As a U.S. citizen and longtime political activist, King encouraged Swifties to engage in door-to-door and phone banking efforts to help Harris win the November 5th election.

Swift started speaking out in politics in 2018, endorsing Democratic candidates in the U.S. midterm elections. Both sides of the political spectrum have tried to win Swift's support in the past, given her large online following and the attention her fans pay to her statements. However, Swift remained silent during the 2016 election, when Republican Donald Trump won the presidency.

Politics and reputation

Some speculated that Swift was close to the Republicans - until she spoke out in 2018 and endorsed the Democratic challenger to far-right Republican Marsha Blackburn in the Senate election in her home state of Tennessee. Blackburn still won, but Swift could no longer stay out of politics. She later explained that her team had advised her against expressing political views, as it could harm her career, particularly among the conservative fans of country music, which Swift was involved in at the time.

Going political without issues

In the 2020 presidential election, Swift backed the Democrats and Biden. She criticized the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the nationwide right to abortion and frequently incorporates messages supporting the LGBTQ+ community into her songs and music videos. She also encourages her fans to register as voters.

However, Swift's popularity also makes her a frequent target of political misinformation and conspiracy theories. Therefore, direct involvement in the U.S. election campaign might not be completely free of complications. "We're not waiting for Taylor to endorse Kamala Harris," Rohan Reagan from the "Swifties for Kamala" social media campaign recently told Cosmopolitan magazine. "We're doing this independently and using the Swifties platform to mobilize people for the vote."

Taylor Swift's hit song, "♪ Taylor Swift ♪," resonates with many Swifties, who are actively supporting Democratic candidate Kamala Harris. Swifties for Kamala, a group with over 125,000 supporters across multiple platforms, aim to convert Swiftie influence into political influence by backing progressive candidates.

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