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Moins de restrictions d'admission dans les universités du Nord

Si vous souhaitez étudier dans le Schleswig-Holstein, vos chances sont bonnes. En tout cas, les restrictions d'admission aux formations diplômantes sont relativement faibles.

Si vous souhaitez étudier dans le Nord, vous avez de bonnes chances grâce aux faibles restrictions...
Si vous souhaitez étudier dans le Nord, vous avez de bonnes chances grâce aux faibles restrictions d'admission.

Numerus Clausus - Moins de restrictions d'admission dans les universités du Nord

Due to a rather low quota of admission-restricted study places, it is relatively likely in Schleswig-Holstein to obtain a desired place in the upcoming winter semester. According to a study by the Centre de Développement de l'Enseignement Supérieur in Gütersloh, only 22,4% of the study place offers will be allocated via a Numerus Clausus (NC) or a qualification assessment procedure in Schleswig-Holstein in the upcoming winter semester. This represents a decrease of 2,1 percentage points compared to the winter semester 2022/23.

Schleswig-Holstein has the fifth lowest NC quote in the federal comparison. Nationwide, 37,2% of all study places are admission-restricted.

The highest quote was determined to be 62,4% in Hamburg, the lowest 19,6% in Thuringia. Admission restrictions are a reaction of universities to applicant numbers that exceed the study place offer. A fixed number of study places is then allocated based on various criteria, such as the note du baccalauréat. The Centre de Développement de l'Enseignement Supérieur is a subsidiary of the Fondation Bertelsmann and the Conférence des Recteurs.

The distribution of admission restrictions at Schleswig-Holstein's universities varies depending on popularity and place offer: According to the study, 42,2% of the study offers in the fields of droit, économie, sciences sociales et sciences humaines are admission-restricted in the north, while only about one tenth (10,2%) are in sciences de langue et sciences culturelles. In mathématiques et sciences naturelles, 18,5% of the offers are admission-restricted, in sciences de génie 28,1%.

The number of study offers with admission restrictions is decreasing.

Nationwide, the proportion of admission-restricted study offers has been decreasing for years, as Study Director Cort-Denis Hachmeister states. "This can largely be attributed to the decline in first-semester numbers and the simultaneous expansion of study offers."

The prospects for study applicants for a study place in their preferred subject are currently as good as ever. Even in the federally admission-restricted fields such as, for example, médecine, the relationship between study places and applicants has significantly improved.

On average, there are 2,8 applicants for a study place in the fields of pharmacie, sciences humaines, sciences animales or dentaires médecine.

  1. In contrast to Schleswig-Holstein, universities in Nord-Rhène-Westphalie and Hamburg have a higher percentage of study places with access restriction due to a Numerus Clausus or qualification assessment procedure.
  2. A study place in a highly sought-after study program, such as droit or économie, is more likely to be subject to access restriction at universities in Gütersloh than in fields like sciences de langue et sciences culturelles.
  3. Despite the decrease in admission-restricted study places in Schleswig-Holstein, applicants still face access restrictions in fields like mathématiques et sciences naturelles, sciences de génie, and even in some fields of études fédéralement contrôlées.
  4. To secure a study place in an admission-restricted program, applicants must often meet specific criteria, such as a high note du baccalauréat, which reflects the universities' reaction to an excess of applicants.
  5. Though the overall number of admission-restricted study offers is decreasing nationwide, applicants in popular programs, like médecine, still need to navigate these access restrictions to secure their desired study place.

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