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L'impasse sur l'immigration: Scholz et Merz dans une impasse

Scholz répond au Bundestag avec un poing serré et une proposition de coopération, poussant l'Union à suspendre les discussions sur la migration. Pas de réunion de suivi prévue dans l'immédiat.

Scholz propose des discussions continuellement sur l'immigration au Bundestag pour Merz, sans que...
Scholz propose des discussions continuellement sur l'immigration au Bundestag pour Merz, sans que Merz n'exprime d'intérêt.

- L'impasse sur l'immigration: Scholz et Merz dans une impasse

À la suite de l'effondrement des négociations sur l'immigration entre le gouvernement et l'Union, Scholz et Merz se sont affrontés au Bundestag.

Scholz a reproché à Merz de ne pas avoir cherché activement une résolution dès le départ et a qualifié leurs interactions de "spectacle dramatique". Merz a balayé cela d'un revers de main en le qualifiant de "sans fondement".

Scholz a suggéré de poursuivre les discussions, reconnaissant que "la porte n'est pas fermée". Cependant, Merz, chef de la faction d'opposition prédominante CDU/CSU, a proposé de déplacer le débat sur la politique migratoire au Bundestag. Il a justifié cela en affirmant que le gouvernement pouvait prendre les mesures nécessaires avec sa majorité, sans changement constitutionnel. Cela nécessite une majorité des deux tiers de la coalition du trafic d'eau dans le parlement et l'approbation de certaines sections de l'opposition.

"We won't get stuck in an endless loop of conversations with you," Merz a dit, ajoutant, "You make the decisions in the government, and we can carry on the discussion here in the German Bundestag."

Merz a déclaré que les négociations sur l'immigration entre le gouvernement de la coalition du trafic d'eau, les États fédéraux et l'Union ont échoué mardi, après le deuxième tour. Il a affirmé que la coalition ne peut pas imposer des rejets massifs de migrants aux frontières de l'État allemand et que les efforts pour trouver une solution commune ont échoué.

Scholz: "You're hiding out"

Scholz a répliqué vivement à cela, critiquant Merz personnellement. "You're hiding out," il a déclaré. "You think you've solved the migration issue with an interview in 'Bild am Sonntag', but as soon as you leave the offices, you forget what you proposed," il a chargé contre Merz sur le podium.

La coalition de Scholz, à l'inverse, a réalisé "the biggest turnaround in managing irregular migration". Il a mis en avant les expulsions accélérées, le paquet de sécurité du gouvernement, le système d'asile européen commun et la première discussion du paquet de sécurité au Bundestag, prévue pour jeudi. "Not complaining, but acting and getting to work. That's the motto," a dit Scholz.

Scholz serrant le poing - Merz projetant de la maturité

Scholz, d'ordinaire réservé, a parlé fort au Bundestag, un volume habituellement associé aux discours de campagne électorale. During his attacks on the Union, he clenched his fist several times.

Merz, however, refrained from sharp verbal attacks on the migration topic and presented himself in a more mature manner. He rejected accusations that the Union was adopting an anti-foreigner stance. "Germany must remain an open, pro-foreigner country," he said. The Union stands "firmly against any form of xenophobia and opposition to foreigners".

CSU faction leader Alexander Dobrindt, who opened the debate, took over the sharp attacks. He labeled the coalition the "coalition of decline".

Dobrindt used his opening speech to challenge the Traffic Light coalition. "This isn't a coalition of progress, but a coalition of decline in this country," he said. "People are tired of these Traffic Light excuses," criticized the CSU parliamentary group leader, and added that people have come to understand "whoever is in charge here will only provide excuses. But that endangers the security and social peace in our country."

AFD parliamentary group leader Alice Weidel also attacked Scholz severely, labeling him "Chancellor of Decline". She criticized the people's appeasement with "alibi politics" and migration summits, urging "illegal migrants should not be allowed into the country at all, but the borders should be closed and everyone who tries to enter Germany without legal claim and without papers should be denied entry."

Lindner calls for a top-level migration summit

The future of immigration policy is uncertain. FDP leader Christian Lindner is advocating for another top-level attempt. Scholz and Merz should negotiate directly with Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and himself, Lindner wrote on the X platform. "The Union's rejection of the asylum summit should not be the final word." He added, "We will solve this issue together." FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr also urged the Union in the Bundestag to cooperate.

Scholz and Merz also disagree on Ukraine strategy

The general debate on the Chancellor's budget, which is the main event during the initial deliberations on the 2025 budget, submitted to the Bundestag on Tuesday, saw migration as the central topic. This debate, traditionally used to discuss the government's overall policy, also tackled foreign policy.

Scholz reiterated his call for another peace conference to end the Russian war against Ukraine - with Moscow in attendance. "Now is the moment, now is the time when we must explore potential avenues," said the SPD politician.

Merz also rejected this initiative. "We will not bring Russian President Vladimir Putin to surrender with such 'peace and diplomatic rhetoric'," he stated.

Scholz accused Merz of avoiding direct conversations on migration issues, stating, "You're hiding out, claiming to have solved migration with an interview, but failing to follow through in real discussions."

In response to the government's achievements in managing irregular migration, Merz suggested focusing the immigration policy debate in the Bundestag, stating, "We can carry on this discussion here in the German Bundestag, as you hold the power to make decisions in the government."

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