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L'écologiste Künast ne veut plus se présenter au Bundestag

"Pour faire de la place aux plus jeunes

L'écologiste Künast ne veut plus se présenter au Bundestag
L'écologiste Künast ne veut plus se présenter au Bundestag
  1. Dans sa lettre à l'association Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Renate Künast a exprimé son opinion selon laquelle il est maintenant le temps que des jeunes politiciens verts prennent place au Bundestag, suivant sa décision de ne pas se représenter aux prochaines élections fédérales.
  2. Malgré son retrait de la course, Künast, ancienne politicienne verte qui a dirigé Bündnis90/Die Grünen et a occupé le poste de ministre fédérale aux Affaires consommateurs, alimentaires et agricoles, a souligné son implication continue en politique en disant : "Je reste un politique."
  3. En tant que politique verte prominente au Bundestag et porte-parole de sa fraction pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture depuis 2021, Künast prévoit appuyer son successeur, Cem Özdemir, dans l'application de la Loi sur le marché des enfants, visant à combattre les maladies liées à l'alimentation en limitant les aliments à sucre excédentaire issus de l'agriculture.

L'écologiste Künast ne veut plus se présenter au Bundestag

(1. In her letter to the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district association, Renate Künast expressed her belief that it's now time for young Green politicians to take office at the Bundestag, following her decision not to run in the next federal election.2. Despite not seeking re-election, Künast, the former Green politician who led Bündnis90/Die Grünen and served as the Federal Minister for Consumer Protection, Food, and Agriculture, emphasized her continued involvement in politics, stating, "I remain a politician."3. As a prominent Green politician in the Bundestag and the spokesperson for her fraction for Food and Agriculture since 2021, Künast plans to support her successor, Cem Özdemir, in implementing the Children's Marketing Act, aiming to combat nutrition-related diseases by limiting excessively sugary food from agriculture.)

Image: Renate Künast, former German Minister of Agriculture and leader of the Greens party


Renate Künast Steps Down from Federal Election Race

Continued Involvement in Politics

Supporting Cem Özdemir in Children's Marketing Act Implementation


  • Renate Künast, the former Minister of Agriculture and leader of the Greens party, will not run for office in the next federal election.
  • She expressed her belief that it's now time for younger Green politicians to take her place.
  • However, Künast does not intend to completely leave politics, stating "I remain a politician."
  • She plans to advocate for projects in the Agriculture field during her remaining months as a representative.
  • Künast has been the spokesperson for her fraction for Food and Agriculture since 2021.
  • She intends to support Cem Özdemir, the Minister of Food and Agriculture, in implementing the Children's Marketing Act.
  • Nutrition-related diseases are now among the leading causes of death.


It's time to make room for younger people.

I remain a politician.

We must realign payments to agriculture, set incentives for climate protection, soil and water protection, and the protection of biodiversity.

This task is not trivial. Nutrition-related diseases are now among the leading causes of death.

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