Météo - La nouvelle semaine sera variable et plus fraîche : jusqu'à 21 degrés.
At the beginning of the new week, the weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland will be changeable and cooler.
Lundi, il pleuvra plus longtemps au début, avec des orages possibles, d'après la Prédiction météorologique Allemande (DWD) annoncée dimanche. À partir de midi, les météorologues prévoyent un dégagement et des conditions essentiellement sèches. Les températures atteindront un pic de 17 à 21 degrés, environ 15 degrés dans les régions montagneuses. Un vent modéré, parfois frais, soufflera.
Tuesday, the DWD expects many clouds and rain showers. Maximum temperatures are expected to be around 17 to 20 degrees, around 15 degrees in mountainous areas. Similar maximum temperatures are expected on Wednesday, with gray and rainy conditions. The DWD predicts warmer weather again towards the weekend.
Rapport météorologique DWD
In contrast, Offenbach, located in a flatter region, is forecast to have mostly dry conditions on Monday, according to the DWD's weather report. However, mountain enthusiasts in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland should prepare for cooler temperatures and potential rain on their Sunday hikes in the mountainous regions. As the week progresses, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate may see fewer showers, but the German Weather Service predicts that Saarland will still experience occasional rain on Tuesday.