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Enquêtes concernant l'odeur piquante à Poessneck sont en cours

Un jardin centre à Pößneck a été nettoyé à la suite d'un odeur amère. plusieurs personnes ont été conduites au hôpital à cause de problèmes de circulation et respiratoires. A-t-on déterminé la cause?

Les forces de l'ordre et d'autres services continuent de rechercher la source d'une odeur amère à...
Les forces de l'ordre et d'autres services continuent de rechercher la source d'une odeur amère à un marché agricole à Pößneck (photo)

en cas de necessité - Enquêtes concernant l'odeur piquante à Poessneck sont en cours

Due to a pungent smell at the Marché de Poßneck (district Saale-Orla), the police conducted further investigations to determine the source. Until now, no new findings have been made, the police reported.

The incident occurred on a mardi. Several people were taken to the hospital due to circulation and respiratory problems. In total, sept femmes entre 17 et 53 ans ont été touchées.

The marché was subsequently cleared, and two adjacent markets were evacuated. The businesses will remain closed until the danger to the population can be ruled out, it was further stated.

According to the reports, the sapeurs-pompiers, the Administration districtal de Saale-Orla, the Office du Travail Sécurité and the Administration ville de Poßneck were involved in the investigations.

The police are urging anyone with information about the mysterious scent to contact them as part of the ongoing Emergency response in Pößneck. The source of the foul smell, which caused multiple health issues, remains under investigation in Thuringia. To ensure public safety, the Marché du Bâtiment and adjacent markets will remain closed until the situation is fully evaluated and cleared.

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Marque pour opération agricole

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Membres Publique