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She took a long time to make her first album, but now it's here: Zoe Wees.

Zoe Wees treats an entire generation

Growing up in Hamburg-Dulsberg, Zoe Wees embarked on a journey into the big wide world of pop in 2017. Six years later, there is not much left of the once 15-year-old dreamer. Zoe has become an international pop star who has arrived on the world's biggest stages via casting shows, TikTok and Instagram. After a fast-paced pop tour in the fast lane, the young Hanseatic singer now wants to make her first studio debut. The singer, who once suffered from "Rolando's epilepsy", is putting all her eggs in the emotional basket.

Great emotions and dramas cast in a minor key are Zoe's hobbyhorse. In this way, she not only reaches her innermost self, but also millions of people from a generation that is driven by the pressure to perform and trapped in a world of social media, beauty madness and self-doubt. "Therapy", the title of her long overdue debut album (Zoe has already released twelve singles since 2020), is a rehab program cast in music for an overburdened following thirsting for guidance.

Zoe Wees addresses what moves people

The songs of the singer, who was able to generate over 500 million streams with the release of the single "Control" alone, are so successful because they address what moves people. Despair, hope, fear, anger, sadness: Zoe Wees wraps all feelings in a melancholy corset that often needs nothing more than a catchy piano melody and the protagonist's distinctive voice. When Zoe apologizes to her mom ("Sorry For The Drama"), walks through the darkness with her father's eyes ("Daddy's Eyes") or bravely takes on the fight against the demons of her past ("Control"), her fans feel directly addressed.

Rather rarely does Zoe step out of her bubble and then invites the listener to lively rock along ("Third Wheel", "You Ain't Really Good For Me"). When the time comes, however, she gets rid of all her chains. Suddenly the cymbals clatter, the snare pumps and the guitars roar. But the brief outburst doesn't leave chaos in its wake. In no time at all, everything is tidied up again and ready for the next wave of melancholy.

Themes such as self-love and self-acceptance, love and loneliness take over. The structures are similar. Verse, bridge, then the emotional explosion in the chorus: the songwriting concept of the whole thing is quickly seen through - and yet there is never a dull moment. Zoe's voice is responsible for this, which can either sob, roar or simply whisper gently through the speakers.

From Hamburg to America

In a digital world where everything is geared towards speed, pressure and performance, Zoe Wees acts as a role model for all those who don't want to simply bury their dream of self-determined creative happiness. The Hamburg native has shown the way. Zoe Wees started small, never gave up and eventually fought her way up from Hamburg to America. There she not only inspired thousands of new fans, but also entertainment greats like Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon.

Six years after her first appearance on "The Voice Kids", it is now time for a special kind of musical "therapy". With her debut album in the bag, Zoe Wees is finally catapulting herself into the pop Olympus: "Releasing 20 songs at once - that feels very nice," the singer revealed in an interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur. Dear Zoe, listening to these 20 songs - that feels very nice too!

  1. Zoe Wees' debut album, titled "Therapy," is filled with songs that resonate deeply with her fans, as she masterfully tackles emotions like despair, hope, and sadness in the realm of pop music.
  2. The success of Zoe Wees' music can be attributed to her ability to examine the human condition with raw honesty, coupled with her distinct voice and catchy melodies, as showcased in hits like "Control" and "Sorry For The Drama."


